
Monday, May 30, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

If you are living in America, chances are you’re familiar with the little pink ribbons. They seem to be plastered on everything — from makeup and jewellery to gardening tools and even buckets of fried chicken. But at least they are for a good cause. If we see this symbol and purchase these products, that means we are supporting breast cancer research, right?

Well, surprise, surprise — that is exactly what you are meant to believe and an example of marketing at its finest. It is truly sad to realize how much power marketing and advertising campaigns have over us.

Considering that about 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, the Breast Cancer Foundation represents a noble cause that certainly deserves money for research and treatment. Unfortunately, their efforts only appear honourable on the surface; in reality, the multi-million dollar company behind those pink ribbons — the Susan G. Komen Foundation — puts less than a dime of each dollar toward actually finding a cure for breast cancer. And that’s just the beginning of the problem.

Where Does The Money Actually Go?

Sunday, May 29, 2016



Part 1:
NumerologyofYearsI have been writing about the energy wave that opened the 13th Gate for a couple of years now.  It was called Wave X.  However, it was not a wave in the energy sense.  It was an influx of energy, but did not recede like a wave does.  In the past, before the arrival of Wave X, which is Azoth (fire water), energy would come in waves,  the frequencies would increase, and then recede. Humanity would get breaks.  The old system was under the closed infinity loop system, so, of course the energy would flow sideways like waves do on the beach.
Now we are in a new system, and it doesn’t operate like the old closed system.  As I have stated in other articles, we are now in the energy of the upward infinity symbol, which is an open system.  No more sideways waves of energy coming in, only upward increases.

  We are no longer dealing with waves at all, it is far more powerful than that.  Not only have we moved to the upward infinity loop energetically but this has occurred within our own bodies.  Our 13th mysterious cranial nerve has been activated, as it is the entrance to the 13th Gate of the Gods.  If we were still in the closed system this would not have occurred, but since the LAST wave came in and did not recede like all the others,  it has lifted us up to the 13th Gate and the 13th nerve.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

You may have heard some of the hype about “Fat Flush Water.” But how exactly does water flush fat out of your system? Clearly, water is not some kind of magic diet supplement. Your body needs enough water every day to keep hydrated and cleanse itself of unwanted materials. Fat deposits that form on the body can be tough to break down and eliminate, but proper nutrition and exercise can help greatly with this.

Fat is broken down when the body uses its fat deposits to produce energy and the triglycerides in the fat cells are removed. These are broken down into fatty acids and glycerols and are then absorbed into your muscle tissue and internal organs, where they are then broken down even further through various chemical processes. If the products left over from these chemical processes are not used by the body as energy, they are then considered waste products and need to be removed from the body. This is where the role of water comes in.

The Role Of Water

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

When confronting scientific authorities it can be daunting to have the results of your own personal experience and inquiry questioned. I am frequently accused of being “woo woo” when I suggest that the only thing we know for sure is that we exist.

As I mentioned in my article on the amazing evening at the Shrine Auditorium with Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle, I was privileged to attend a reception with some folks I did not anticipate ever meeting — renowned skeptics and critics of the notion of consciousness, and devotees to scientific thought as the paragon of knowledge and wisdom.

I met briefly with Leonard Mlodinow, a co-author with Deepak taking the scientific perspective in a book they shared: War of the Worldviews: Where Science and Spirituality Meet — and Do Not.

Dr. Mlodinow also co-authored the books A Briefer History of Time and The Grand Design with Stephen Hawking. He has his PhD in theoretical physics from UC/Berkeley and is now at Caltech.

If you watch the short video above you will hear Dr. Mlodinow’s eloquent descriptions of the laws of physics and at the end a very warm exchange of their mutual intellectual and personal respect.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

Thinking of the past and all that transpired can prove disheartening, especially when it comes to Native Americans. Pondering what would have been, what could have been if these peaceful tribes had never been raided, their land and lives never taken, is a weighty task, because we know we cannot change history. We can only reflect on how it has shaped us, and how we can use that knowledge to move forward positively.

And yet, living in a world where many people find themselves attached to the idea of owning expensive homes, clothes, cars, and various other devices, and living on a planet constantly fighting to overcome the unnatural side of man-made production, it is hard not to wonder what life would be like if Native Americans had never been so wrongfully removed.

Would we be more in touch with nature? More able to connect with animals? Understand the stars? It seems so far away from our modern reality for many of us, but perhaps reading the following wisdoms these indigenous people shared will help us to shift our perspective and imprint in a cosmic, earthly, and universal way.

Monday, May 23, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

You might not know this, but your smartphone emits a bright blue light which allows you to read what’s on the screen even during the brightest points of the day. But the light doesn’t turn off or adjust according to the hour of the day; it’s continually emitted, not only by our smartphones, but by our laptops, televisions, and other devices as well. The problem is that this light, which mimics the brightness of the sun, confuses your brain into thinking it’s daytime, even during the dead of night. This in turn stops your brain from releasing melatonin, the hormone which induces sleep, and prevents you from falling asleep. This is why experts recommend to turn off all screens at least two hours before bed.

Melatonin is released by a tiny organ in your brain called the pineal gland a couple of hours prior to sleep. The science of why the blue light emitted by mobile devices keeps people awake has led to the discovery of a photoreceptor called Melanopsin. Though we’ve long been familiar with the various cones and rods that construct our vision, Melanopsin was discovered recently in retinal ganglion cells, which are sensitive to blue light. Since then, experimental research has found that the average person using mobile devices before bed may have difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


by Aaron L Meileiac

In a world as large as ours with so many countrys and beliefs, cultural diversity is something that we all deal with daily in some form of fashion or level. Although there are always pros and cons with all things, it is important that we keep an open mind to others.

There are many patterns of belief across the Earth that have come and gone, and many that are still current. What this teaches us, is that our beliefs are always changing due to the required needs of our mental perception and understanding.

Below is a video of two guys who take a test into the streets to try and get a feel of how people react when their understanding has a slight twist. Some handle this test well as others do not.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

New Study: Ten-Billion-Trillion To One. We Are NOT The Only Technologically Advanced Civilization

Source: Collective Evolution

It seems like everyone is talking about the extraterrestrial question these days. Humanity has always wondered, “are we alone?” and a new study seeks to answer that question scientifically, arguing that, not only are we not alone, but we never have been, and there are most likely a number of different intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations out there right now.
The study, published in Astrobiology and written by Adam Frank and Woodruff Sullivan from the Universities of Rochester and Washington, respectively, used the recent discovery of dozens of exoplanets to hypothesize on the likelihood of other technologically advanced civilizations existing. The study emphasizes that, unless the odds of advanced life evolving on a habitable planet are astonishingly low, then “human kind is not the universe’s first technological, or advanced, civilization.”

According to Frank:
The question of whether advanced civilizations exist elsewhere in the universe has always been vexed with three large uncertainties in the Drake equation. We’ve known for a long time approximately how many stars exist. We didn’t know how many of those stars had planets that could potentially harbor life, how often life might evolve and lead to intelligent beings, and how long any civilizations might last before becoming extinct.
Astrophysicist Frank Drake developed an equation in 1961 to estimate the number of advanced civilizations likely to exist in the Milky Way galaxy. The Drake equation (top row) has proven to be a valuable framework for research, though it is impossible to do anything more than guess at variables such as L, the probable longevity of other advanced civilizations. The equation is as you see below.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Egyptians Had Their Own Version Of Ayahuasca They Called “The Tree Of Life”

Source: Collective Evolution

The civilization of Egypt as we know spans back thousands of years to the days when the last great glaciers in the world were melting (10,000 BC). This information, as many of you may know, has been systematically removed and ignored from nearly every history book written in modern times. The Egyptians were an incredibly aware and spiritual society, which had deeply entrenched beliefs about reality as we perceive it as well as the realities that most of us are not aware of.
Spirituality played a huge role in the lives of Egyptians, and this is depicted in the hieroglyphs that they have left behind on the walls of their tombs or in the fragments of papyrus that are unearthed. Uncovered in this forgotten language are references to the tree of life. I am sure many of you know what I am referring to, the plant Acacia Nilotica. A tree that grows abundantly along the Nile River and was glorified by the Egyptians.

Acacia Nilotica contains Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT. DMT is not a rare topic amidst the articles on Collective Evolution and I advise all of you to check out the articles about the mind-blowing experiences that derive from DMT trips.  This is the same compound that is used in shamanic rituals in the Amazon with the drink Ayahuasca. Today, the idea that DMT can further ones experience on earth as well as having many healing qualities (both physical and mental), is slowly becoming more and more recognized. At this point I affirm that we are just at the beginning of a journey that many civilizations have taken before us, the Egyptians included.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Harvard Psychiatrist On Alien Abductions/Contact: “Yes, It’s Both Literally & Physically Happening.”

Source: Collective Evolution

“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” – John Mack(source)
John Mack was a Harvard professor, psychiatrist, and Pulitzer Prize recipient. He, like many other academics, became very interested in the alien abduction phenomenon. One can see how this sparked his interest; after all, he was a professor of psychiatry. If you told a psychiatrist you’d had contact with beings from another world, you’d probably be handed a diagnosis of schizophrenia or psychosis along with a handful of medication. This is a disturbing thought, given the tremendous amount of evidence that’s now available to suggest that people are actually having legitimate experiences with extraterrestrial beings, or at the very least, are being completely genuine in their accounts. That’s not to say that some people do not suffer from hallucinations, but there are a lot of people out there who are actually having real experiences as well. John Mack was well aware of this evidence, and this is why he is one of the key pioneers of abduction research. 
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” – Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor (source)

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Source: Spirit Science

The practice of smudging dates back to prehistoric times, and is still very much in use today worldwide for cleansing everything from dwellings to human spirits. However recent research has shed light on the popularity of this activity, revealing that burning certain plant matter actually clears harmful bacteria.
All Western use of burning herbs and plants for spiritual purposes aside, the activity rests firmly in the sensibilities of ancient cultures in that, historically, smudging was believed to put forth the spirits of various ‘allies’ to provide ease and balance to an individual or group.
In this way, the practice was used to clear spiritual and emotional negativity that has built up in a body or a space.
Of course, there are skeptics who belittle the practice as unscientific and akin to magic. The practice has a negative association to a form of cultural imperialism, where traditions of dwindling indigenous populations are co-opted by the descendants of those who more-or-less conquered them.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Science Is Finally Proving The Existence Of Meridian Points Throughout The Human Body

Source: Collective Evolution

It may seem counterintuitive, but there are many instances where science can actually hold us back from new discoveries and knowledge. Unfortunately, mainstream science is quick to discount anything which cannot be physically seen or felt, making notions like ‘energy points’ within the body seem like pure science fiction. But just because we can’t physically see something, does not mean it doesn’t exist. Nikola Tesla told us that “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,  it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence,” and hundreds of scientists around the world have been taking on this task for several years. Within the next few decades, the examination of non-material science is going to skyrocket, and we all stand to benefit. What we know as science is definitely changing.
One example where non-material science could benefit the human race is healthcare, as a number of publications have revealed the importance of mind-body connections, and how our thoughts, emotions, feelings, the perception of the environment around us and more are all connected to the health of our body and regulation of our immune system. A study published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies titled “The Primo Vascular System as a New Anatomical System” is one that has recognized the importance of these concepts.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The 7 Gifts/Virtues of the Warrior Soul as Received by the Holy Spirit

By: Chris Harman


A Warrior Soul who is in Tune with the Infinite will have no problems making proper Judgement calls in regards to his/her own Life. They have no aversion to Evil but rather, they are dedicated to the Goodness, the Beauty, The Love of Life, and all the Holiness of the Divine. This is an Unwavering Principle to the Warrior Soul.

Courage: Fortitude:

The Warrior Soul who has ventured into the Depths of His own Soul has seen the Darkness and knows all the Gods, all the Devils, are archetypes in the Mind of Man. He Has spent countless hours in meditation and has illuminated all the Darkness of his Ignorance. He/She Realizes that to Live permanently in the Luminosity of the Divine Spheres, we must overcome the Lower Self/Ego. Once freed through Gnosis, The Warrior becomes Realized of His Immortality, and realizes that Fear is a Futile Waste of Life Force.

Supreme Respect for the Power of God:

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Black Knight Satellite: What’s This Object Nikola Tesla Concluded Was Extraterrestrial?

Source: Collective Evolution

*The photo used in this article comes directly from The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, a government website operated by NASA at the Earth Sciences and Image Analysis department at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. They are responsible for training the astronauts in Earth observations, cataloging and archiving the photographs that astronauts take from space using hand held cameras and more. It is one of several mysterious objects that’ve been photographed by astronauts from space. 
It’s known as the “Black Knight satellite,” and although it wasn’t confirmed by scientists until 1932, Serbian inventor and genius Nikola Tesla discovered it in 1899 while in his Colorado Springs laboratory, hearing strange rhythmic sounds on his radio receiver. The confirmation in 1932 gave birth to the field of radio astronomy, which is now used to decode and detect messages from distant stars and other mysterious celestial sources. Tesla writes:

Thursday, May 5, 2016

10 Important Books You Don’t Know About That Will Keep You Reading Until The Very Last Page

Source: Collective Evolution 

**This is an updated version of an article we published last month. We will continue to update the list and re-publish it for those who are interested in some good reads!
Reading is incredible. It sparks our imaginations, enhances our critical thinking skills, improves our vocabulary, exercises our brain, and much more. While our love for reading in general will never die, it does seem that, these days, its popularity has waned significantly. Many kids today, and plenty of adults too, can’t seem to wrap their heads around sitting and doing ‘nothing’ for any extended amount of time when they could instead experience new and intense sensory information every few seconds instead. You’d be hard-pressed to find a child (or teen) that won’t throw a fit the moment you take their cell phone or iPad away from them, and it’s not illogical to wonder if children today are even using their brains; surely the constant TV watching and time spent on social media doesn’t challenge their minds in the way that a book can. Whether you’re an adult or a child, reading is definitely a good idea; the key is to find something that interests you. The rest is easy.
The list of books below represents just a few that I’m sure CE readers will enjoy, so have a look if you’d like to add something new and exciting to your reading list.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hubble Just Discovered Another Moon Hiding At The Back Of Our Solar System – Here Are The Details


NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope just found a small, dark moon orbiting Makemake, which is the second brightest icy dwarf planet in our system after Pluto in the Kulper Belt. Some of our readers might know NASA as an acronym for Never A Straight Answer, a term coined by former NATO allied supreme commander Robert Dean, but that doesn’t mean everything the agency reveals to the public is misinformation (though an unfortunately large proportion of it probably is).
The newly discovered moon is 1,300 times fainter than Makemake. Nicknamed MK 2, it was seen approximately 13,000 miles from the dwarf planet and has a diameter estimated to be about 100 miles across.
According to the NASA statement, with comments from NASA scientists Alex Parker and Marc Buie:

Monday, May 2, 2016

Researchers Accidentally Made a Battery That Could Last a Lifetime

All kinds of electrical devices we have today are made to have a limited lifetime, which perfectly serves the interests of the consumerist society we live in. Just think about it: if all home appliances and electronic devices we use daily were designed to last, would we need to constantly buy new ones?
Batteries are no exception to this. Even the best-performing lithium batteries can work efficiently up to 500 charge cycles, after which they lose their capacity and need to be replaced. Now, researchers led by doctoral candidate Mya Le Thai of the University of California seem to have created a battery with a lifespan of over 200,000 charge cycles, which is 400 greater than that of the batteries currently available in the market! Moreover, this remarkable invention was made as a result of an accident in the lab.
“Mya was playing around, and she coated this whole thing with a very thin gel layer and started to cycle it,”Reginald Penner of the University of California said in a press release. “She discovered that just by using this gel, she could cycle it hundreds of thousands of times without losing any capacity.”

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Controversial Illustrations By A Polish Artist Reveal The Darker Side Of Modern Society

Source: Collective Evolution 

I know, we’ve been inundated by these ‘darker side of humanity’ illustrations recently, but these ones, somehow, feel different. The concepts, the lines, the deeper ideas — all took my breath away, leaving me speechless at some and confused by others (like the one with the guy looking like a puppet tethered to the moon being pulled by a small boy).
Illustrator and artist Graficzne Igor Morski co-owns Polish art studio Morski, creating dreamlike illustrations laced with hidden meaning. He has an academic background in interior architecture and industrial design and worked in public broadcasting in the 80s and 90s, where he won numerous awards in arts communication. He then jumped into a career creating press illustrations and opened his studio, and his surreal images clearly reflect, I think, a creative merging of these two industries.
Morski told Bored Panda that sometimes he likes to use popular and easily recognizable symbols, like Pinnochio’s long nose, in his illustrations, but more often prefers to create his own: