
Thursday, June 30, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

“It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction, when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy, when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” – Paul Hellyer (Former Canadian Defence Minister)

It was only three years ago (2013) that the Central Intelligence Agency finally admitted to the existence of Area 51. Although it didn’t ‘officially’ exist before the CIA made this admission, it was pretty clear that something secretive was going on in the Nevada desert. That secretive something would be the testing of secret aircraft and technology that the public has absolutely no idea about. Take for example the U.S. air strike against Libya in 1996. An f-111 jet was used, which had been operational since 1983, but its existence was still kept secret for a number of years after.

These programs are referred to as Special Access Programs (SAP), and they are funded from what’s known as the ‘Black Budget.‘ From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”

It’s also important to mention that the United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952 but its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely concealed for 30 years.

 Under-Ocean & In Bottom Military Bases

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

Reincarnation is a fascinating subject that has remained on the fringe of scientific study for too long. Fortunately, it has recently begun to attract serious interest from the scientific community. Decades ago, American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan stated that “there are three claims in the [parapsychology] field which, in my opinion, deserve serious study,” with one being “that young children sometimes report details of a previous life, which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation.” 

Fast forward to today, and amazing discoveries have been made, as multiple researchers have taken it upon themselves to study this intriguing and inexplicable — at least from a materialist scientific worldview — phenomenon. Subjects like reincarnation belong to the non-material sciences, an area of research that deserves more attention. As Nikola Tesla himself said, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker is arguably the world’s leading researcher on this topic, and in 2008, he published a review of cases that were suggestive of reincarnation in the journal Explore.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that all matter is made up of pure energy, which is in a constant state of vibration and spin.

The LOA implies that thoughts and emotions are also energy, each having a unique energy signature. Every energetic frequency is in a constant state of attraction or repulsion with all others. With the recent emergence of quantum mechanics, this notion has been largely supported at a micro level.

The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like,” and we are in a constant state of creating our reality through the energy we emit in the form of thoughts and emotion. We continuously interact with the fabric of reality (orquantum field), through thought and emotional energy, and whatever we focus on is likely to manifest. We are each creators of our own reality, and what we put out is what we will attract.

3 Things You Need to Know First

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Physical Pains And Their Metaphysical Meanings

by by Lawrence Michail
Source: thelimitlessminds

Everything on the Physical plane is a manifestation of something on the Metaphysical plane. When we speak of abundance, what we are really talking about is an abundance of emotional, mental and spiritual energy. We fill ourselves to the brim with these energies and it is the overflow that is manifest on the physical plane.

The signs and symptoms that are apparent on the Physical plane lead us to inquire, ultimately, more deeply into ourselves as energetic and spiritual beings.

We tend not to worry too much about this sort of thing when our body is working well, we are not feeling pain, or we are not in the throes of some chronic disease. But when our body feels pain or becomes disabled by disease or accident we tend to start reaching out for answers. We want to know why. Or maybe we don’t even want to know why we just want to fix something we perceive is broken.
Realistically, when our body refuses to do what we want it to, metaphysically, it is not actually broken. It is doing its job. One of its functions is to carry messages from the higher energetic planes to us. It is then up to us to interpret these messages and take action.

Western medicine takes the position that we feel pain because we can. Western approaches to pain, as the main symptom of any disease, are pretty much limited to drugs and surgery. Treatment consists of numbing or diverting pain receptors in the body or cutting off the offending organ. While this approach does have its place in acute situations, it is at best a temporary and often harmful way to approach pain or other disharmonies we feel in our bodies. Most often, western medicine has little to offer most of us and incredibly makes us wait until our symptoms become unbearably acute before it can even acknowledge a disharmony.

National Cancer Institute Quietly Confirms Cannabis Can Cure Cancer

Source - Zen Gardner

by Paul Fassa

Apparently the left hand of this government doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, or more likely doesn’t want to know. With the easy prey of grabbing marijuana users in most states and locking them up in prisons for cheap labor while destroying families, there’s little motivation to curb that racket by dropping marijuana out of its DEA Schedule 1 Controlled Substance rating.

its budgetary funding and the FDA prefers rubber stamp approving pharmaceutical drugs that are far more dangerous than marijuana and far less effective. The FDA has to oblige their corporate clients to keep their licensure payments from Big Pharma rolling in.

The unpublicized studies that prove cannabis’s medical merits are referenced within the NCI (National Cancer Institute). Though they are pre-utical drugs to enhance chemo or suppress some of chemotherapy’s terrible side effects, there are many, many actual case histories of curing cancers with cannabis.

Related Cannabis is Meant for Humans | The Endocannabinoid System and the Healing Effects of Cannabis

Of course those are dismissed as anecdotal and not paid any attention by government agencies and the mainstream media. People who are cured by cannabis doesn’t satisfy medical “science”. It has to have a chance to disprove it and carry on with business as usual.

Nevertheless, the following list is excerpted directly from one of the NCI Question and Answer pages about cannabis:


Source: Collective Evolution

We are on the cusp of a whole new chapter in love, relationships, and sexuality.

The old ways are dying, and more quickly every day. We no longer define relationships like our parents and grandparents did. We are redefining love in every way. And we know that we are missing something in our sex lives – that it’s more than just going for a simple orgasm, that we’re supposed to feel differently afterwards, that it’s supposed to bring us closer together, and that it’s supposed to be a kind of spiritual experience that truly leaves us content, blissful, and happy.

And so we are writing a new mythology for the generations to come.

Joseph Campbell defines a mythology as a cultural framework for a society or people to educate their young. We are the result of the stories of the mythology that we were raised in. But those old rules, constructs, and boxes just aren’t working for us anymore. And the next generation isn’t buying them. They are looking for something much more in life.

The Next Generation

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Call them indigo, old souls or whatever you like; these children are popping up all over the world with wisdom that outshines some of the greatest philosophers. They are born with a natural compassion and understanding of life’s greater purpose, and seem to remain immune to the social conditioning of school and TV.

8-year-old motivational speaker King Nahh is one of them, and he just might renew your hope for the future (in case you lost it). In this video, he teaches the interviewer about the pineal gland (third eye) and how mainstream entertainment can shut it off. He expresses his utter incomprehension about that fact that war even exists, and shares how violent video games desensitizes us to the horrors of killing.

When asked to share a message with the world, he basically encourages us all to stop watching dumb stuff all day and to go out, be with the people you love and do something!
Below the video are 11 common traits of children with an old soul.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

The secret of the red shirts will change your life. It’s so easy that it takes seconds to learn—and so powerful; the long-term benefits are extraordinary.
Why is this secret so powerful?  

– Because you’ll discover how to instantly shift your focus, which ensures you’re always 100% focused on what matters most in your life.

– Because you’ll effortlessly dodge distractions—and the life-sucking stress that they create.

– Because you’ll train your brain to automatically seek out what you really want in life (instead of just reacting to life’s distractions).

– Because it’s proven to work for everyone, whether you’re male, female, young or old, rich or poor—this simple strategy will work for you.

The Red Shirts

Here’s how it works…

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

Graham Hancock is one of the most amazing modern explorers of both the planet’s material mysteries in terms of ruins and monoliths and the internal aspects of consciousness. I learned of his participation in the Contact in the Desert Conference at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center just prior to going to Illuminate, so I decided to drive through the Arizona and California desert for a rare chance to see and meet him.

By the time I got to Joshua Tree, Graham had already presented his main ideas formally, making this a real treat — an informal interactive session with the man who has unearthed so many of history’s treasures and put them into a meaningful and cosmic context.

Graham gave an account of his journey, beginning with his family roots in England and his horrific experiences being conditioned in a private school, then moving on to becoming a journalist with the ability to travel the world.  He had been an atheist until he was cracked open to a new concept of man’s history by encountering stories about the Ark of Covenant in war-torn Ethiopia.

This experience began his interest in “out of place technology.” Noting the connection between the Ethiopian stories of the Ark with his growing interest in the Ancient Egyptian texts, he dropped his atheism and became interested in spirituality — in “levels beyond levels” of reality that pointed to so much beyond the veil of what we take as truth.

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

While the history books give us an idea of what life was like hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years ago, they certainly don’t know it all. Mysteries continue to be uncovered, offering us further glimpses at worlds long forgotten.

Hidden beneath the lush greenery of the Southeast Asian rainforest, researchers have recently made an incredible archaeological discovery: multiple, previously undocumented ancient cities. More than 1,000 years ago, the region surrounding the enormous religious complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia was once home to a vast network of cities, even rivaling the country’s modern-day capital, Phnom Penh.

The discovery was made after an initial surveying, which wrapped up in 2012, revealed that the forest surrounding Angkor Wat was hiding a “complex urban landscape.” Researchers announced that they had found a system of roads and cities between 900 and 1,400 years old which was considerably larger than they had initially expected.

Friday, June 17, 2016


Disease has been on the rise for multiple decades. It seems quite clear that things aren’t really getting any better, and with a growing population, the rate of chronic illness seems to be getting worse. On top of that, we have a medical ‘industry’ full of good-hearted people who want to help people, and are helping people, that’s plagued by fraud and deception. 

One that is not really interested in healing people, but rather, in profiting off of their sickness. There are countless instances of this. For example, a study that was published last week in the British Medical Journal by researchers at the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen showed that pharmaceutical companies were not disclosing all information regarding the results of their drug trials. You can read more about that and access the study here.
The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful. — Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal
The above study is one of many examples, with various medications for various diseases. This is extremely concerning, especially given the fact that various experts estimate more than 100,000 people die every year in the United States alone from prescription drug use. (source)

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

It’s summer time again, which means many of us will be spending a lot more time outdoors walking, biking, hiking, swimming, camping, kayaking — anything to soak up as much sun as possible! But generally along with the great outdoors come bugs, including the much-dreaded, unbelievably annoying, and potentially fatal mosquitoes.

These insects carry some of the most deadly diseases in the world, including West Nile, dengue fever, and malaria. To avoid these potentially life threatening illnesses, many health officials warn the public to be sure they are using mosquito repellant containing DEET, a powerful chemical.

The Dangers Of DEET

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ancient Egyptians Knew How to Unleash the Power of the Pineal Gland

by thelimitlessminds

It is a common belief that Ancient Egyptians were very smart, because, as modern science teaches us, great structures were built in the time when there was no technology to work with.

But what if they knew something that we didn’t. In the video below is explored The Temple of Man. It is shown that a Sacred Geometry was used by the architects of the Luxor Temple, because this temple matches the exact proportions of the human body. 

From this video we can learn that the Ancient Egyptians might have used the pineal gland so they could have altered their states of consciousness. This way they were able to explore the realm of the spirits.

Monday, June 13, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

The topic of Unidentified Flying Objects is one that’s currently gripping the attention of many, so much so that it looks like the United States will be releasing some of its UFO files in the near future, according to longtime White House insider John PodestaHillary Clinton, and several other sources from where the ‘official’ announcement will most likely come. 

 Although it’s hard to expect any sort of full truth about this topic to be fully disclosed in the mainstream, ‘official’ files from several different governments and intelligence agencies from around the world already confirm the existence of UFOs (links below), so don’t get your hopes up for any type of new information that another country hasn’t already disclosed, but who knows?

You can read more about ‘official government disclosure’ and what we have to be cautious of i it does ever happen in an article published earlier this month, here.

It’s interesting that this topic is getting so much attention right now in the mainstream, especially with Hillary Clinton making her comments about it as of late (article on that linked above). That being said, as mentioned above, it’s important to recognize that we’ve been ‘bamboozled’ by the government and corporate media for so long, with so many different examples ranging from the war on terror to the war on drugs, that it’s hard to expect any type of honest revelation about what’s really going on. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Human DNA is a Biological Internet – NOT Junk DNA | Scientists Prove Thoughts, Words, Language, Sound and Light Affect DNA and Consciousness

Found @ Stillness In The Storm

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.

The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.

In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest. According to their findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage for communication.


Source: Collective Evolution

DNA is fascinating, and we stand to learn so much about who we are, where we came from, and what we are capable of (biologically speaking) from its study. Our capabilities in particular have yet to be studied in-depth by the mainstream scientific community. Yet the study of phenomena like the placebo effect, distant healing, telepathy, and the physical impacts of human intention, not to mention the Mind-Body connection, has yielded statistically significant results which have been available in ‘reputable peer reviewed journals’ for decades.

How does this relate to DNA? Well, there are many codes in our DNA that scientists have yet to crack. Parts of our DNA, for example have no known biological function, or at least we have yet to discover them. Maybe they have spiritual applications, or are connected to the non-physical realm in some way. These seemingly useless DNA are referred to as ‘Junk DNA,’ or ‘non-coding DNA.’ But we are learning more about them each day, as Scientific American reports, so the label isn’t entirely accurate.

We may think we know a lot, but the things we think we know and hold to be true are always changing. Science was no less valid to us 50 years ago than it is today, but theories have changed because we have learned more. And our knowledge of DNA has just changed again, as physicists have confirmed that there is a second layer of information hidden in our DNA, meaning that there is more than one way that DNA mutations can affect us.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

Matt Damon broke out into the mainstream world in a big way by writing and starring in the film Good Will Hunting, which happened to take home an Oscar for best original screenplay in 1998.

Since then, he has been one of Hollywood’s biggest and most recognizable faces, starring in The Bourne series, The Ocean’s series, and many more —including the 2015 best picture nominee The Martian.

But Matt Damon is a lot more than a talented actor; when it comes to intellect, he sits well above the Hollywood standard.

On June 3rd, Matt Damon decided to revisit the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) — the backdrop of the aforementioned Good Will Hunting — to speak to graduates in a commencement address. Rather than simply leaving the graduates with the usual ‘inspiring’ platitudes, Matt delved into other important subjects he has come to know much about.

From Donald Trump and the world’s big banks to the mainstream media, Matt exposed them all in this thought-provoking speech:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

It’s easy to feel insignificant living on a planet of over 7 billion people, where the choices we make — what we do and what we don’t do —  are unlikely to ever impact the globe in a noticeable way.

In my own view this couldn’t be further from the truth, but I can understand the mentality behind it. There are many of us who have been actively living the change we wish to see in the world without seeing tangible results from our efforts.

One tactic that can be helpful in combating this demoralization is scaling, which involves resizing global issues and trends into manageable numbers.  That is exactly what this viral video accomplishes, showing us the current state of the world through just 100 people:

Monday, June 6, 2016

THE NUMBER SEVEN: An Occult Key to Understand the Rhythm of Life

Source: Esoteric Empyre

A deep significance was attached to numbers in hoary antiquity. There was not a people with anything like philosophy, but gave great prominence to numbers in their application to religious observances, the establishment of festival days, symbols, dogmas, and even the geographical distribution of empires. The mysterious numerical system of Pythagoras was nothing novel when it appeared far earlier than 600 years B.C. 

The occult meaning of figures and their combinations entered into the meditations of the sages of every people; and the day is not far off when, compelled by the eternal cyclic rotation of events, our now skeptical unbelieving West will have to admit that in that regular periodicity of ever recurring events there is something more than a mere blind chance. Already our Western savants begin to notice it. Of late, they have pricked up their ears and begun speculating upon cycles, numbers and all that which, but a few years ago, they had relegated to oblivion in the old closets of memory, never to be unlocked but for the purpose of grinning at the uncouth and idiotic superstitions of our unscientific fore-fathers.

As one of such novelties, the old, and matter-of-fact German journal Die Gegenwart has a serious and learned article upon "the significance of the number seven" introduced to the readers as a "Culture-historical Essay." After quoting from it a few extracts, we will have something to add to it perhaps. The author says:

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Source: Collective Evolution

Religion is a controversial topic, and I’d like to preface this article by saying that it is not my aim to belittle or diminish anyone’s beliefs. My problem is not with faith but with religion as an organization, which has been used as a means of control, to pit people against each other, and to incite terror and war. Religion in this context serves the purposes of many various global elitist agendas.

Religion is also confusing, to say the least; within several different religions exist different ‘sects,’ each with their own teachings and version of the ‘truth’ and how to live one’s life. Within Christianity alone, there are multiple versions of the Bible, and teachings that contradict one another. What one religion says in one part of the world may directly oppose what another says in a different part of the world. This alone is a recipe for feelings of confusion and isolation for anybody who is seeking ‘the truth.’ If various religions preach different ways of life and truths, they all can’t be correct, can they? I guess that’s why they call it faith.

Below is a video of Jon Shelby Sponge, a retired American bishop of the Episcopal Church, discussing these problems. He argues that religion is a business and it is used as a control mechanism (and he’s not the first insider to do so). We can see this happening most clearly in the rise of Islamophobia. Islam has been turned into a scapegoat, a target at which we can direct all our fears and anger, and an excuse to invade other countries and create a more intense global national security state. But the truth is, Islam has nothing to do with violence or terrorism. These manufactured fears are all part and parcel of ‘false flag’ terrorism, which you can read more about here if you are unfamiliar with the concept.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Know Thyself – How To Be Happy Without Changing Anything But Yourself

Found @ Stillness In The Storm

Source - The Mind Unleashed

If you give the below video an hour and a half of your time, you won’t be disappointed with the Inner wisdom it gives you. Do we create our own reality? As human beings we all co-create the aggregate of our experiences, your outer world is largely a reflection of your inner world. You are the co-creator of your reality. You are not the entirety of your reality, this isn’t solipsism, at the same time you’re not at the mercy of a deterministic world with no free will. You co-create it, which means you have a lot of Power to influence it.

When you remove filters that influence the perspectives and decisions you make, the things that resonate with those filters will be removed with it. One of the laws, which is the law of analogy, as above so below, so within so without, are consistent in every human being because the patterns and cycles within ourselves create and interact with similar patterns and cycles outside of ourselves.