
Monday, August 24, 2015


There are many discussions about what this Wave of energy is going to do for us, and what can we do to prepare for it.  
So many are waiting with great expectation for this energy to arrive.  When in reality, humanity and the Earth have been preparing for this for the past 26,000 years. It’s been an ongoing process, and the energy has always been here.  
This Wave X energy, which I referred to as Azoth in my first article on this subject,  is first and foremost an internal event.  

“As within, so without.”  It is a major amplification of what has been coming in for some time.  There are some misconceptions that I feel should be addressed, so we don’t have a repeat of spiritually awake people becoming depressed and confused, like we had in 2012. Here is a link to my first article….https://lisarisingberry.wordpress.com/2015/07/24/wave-x-is-not-a-mass-ascension-event-its-a-step-in-the-entire-process-of-evolution/
This first Wave of energy flows through our very core internally.  It changes us from the inside out, beginning with the heart and moving outward.  Trying to manipulate the outer world will do nothing during this initial process.  
From a spiritual point of view, this is the most exciting phase!  As this wave passes though us, our hearts will be weighed, just as in the weighing of the heart ceremony in the Egyptian Book Of The Dead, only we are not passing into the after life, we are passing into the Golden Age.  
This energy of Azoth will pass through everyone that is in a human body, and all will receive the same amount.
Now, here is where the differences occur.  The actual frequency of your heart energy will determine how much of this Azoth energy you will have access to.  Wave X/Azoth is an “equal opportunity employer,” but the amount of inner alchemy you have participated in will determine the outcome for each person.  
This is why so many will be disappointed because they will either not know that this energy wave has moved through them or they will feel very little has changed.
This energy will give you the ability to do your inner work at lightening speed.  What used to take years to get over and transmute can be done in months!  However, we have to do the work.  
The Wave does not do the work for you.  So, how do you prepare for this on an inner level?  By doing the same inner work you have already been doing.  Meditation, forgiveness exercises, practicing non-judgement etc…  We should have been preparing for this energy from the beginning. This is first an inner event before it works its way to the outer.
It’s all about you, and it’s all up to you.  You are the center of your transformation, and you are the star of this show.  This is the biggest misconception of this Wave, in my humble opinion.  It’s much easier to try to get ready for something the way we have always been taught to do, which is manipulating our outer world.  This will not work on this inner event.
Once this inner wave moves through Earth, which is more ready than the average person, the fun begins.  The new energy of the Earth sets the standards that humanity must live up to.  
This energy moves from the core of the planet to the outer experience, and anything not in line with that frequency will go.  This includes people!  We are the ones that will be changed by this energy hitting our hearts, and we are the ones that will change the current systems in place.
We are moving from feeling so disconnected from the planet, from its elements and from each other to feeling this inner connection to everything!  
Imagine throwing a piece of trash on the Earth and actually feeling your body getting sick, just as you made the Earth sick.  This is the kind of connection we are moving into, and it will not be pleasant for all.
Eventually the person littering will learn or will get so sick they will have to leave through death.  This is because they are not in line with the new frequency, and they are not doing any inner work to fix that.  When we feel the connection to others it will be harder to act out of greed and power as our current systems operate.  I see this energy forcing the current leaders to make the necessary changes or they will have to leave.
We are the ones we have been waiting for, and we will be the ones in the physical that will make these changes – what ever they may be.  This wave will not just remove the current systems, we will be the ones to do this work.  But only after the inner shift is complete.  This energy moves from the inner to the outer.  How long will this take is up to us.
How do you prepare and more importantly, how do you look at the act of preparing?  Do your inner work and follow your heart.  Our inner work is the key. Nothing else will work without this key.    The outer cannot be fixed without the inner being prepared.  You are preparing a place for this energy to exist in the outer.
This is most likely the most pivotal time in history, and how we place our focus is imperative.  Do you choose to worry about the outer or do you focus on the inner first?  Personally, I will be in my inner refuge preparing to change my outer life as the Earth does the same.
It’s an ongoing process and will never end.  This energy will continue to increase. It will not stop, so in a sense there is no preparation needed for an “end.”  When you prepare for some thing, it’s an assumption of an ending in the future – the great result achieved. 
This is not the case with evolution.  You must constantly be in the state of preparing, because you will always be moving to the next higher level of existence.  So, should you think of your preparation as a one time thing?  Not with this event. It needs to become a way of life, not something you prepare for because the end is near.
We are now in the energy of infinity.  There is no ending or beginning.  There is no preparation, but a new way of life.
As humanity is changed from the inner they will be inclined to live a different way in their outer experience without much effort.  Resistance is futile….these two experience will become ONE.  If people don’t change, they won’t feel good. They will not be in balance with the Earth.  
When a person is aligned with the inner transformation the outer experience will merge within their very being.  It will be so easy to make the necessary life decisions that we make on a daily basis because we will be in balance between the inner and the outer, and we will match the frequency of the Earth.  This gives the teaching of “the two shall become” one a multidimensional level of meaning.
Much love to all,
Lisa Rising Berry
Source: https://lisarisingberry.wordpress.com/2015/08/24/wave-x-misconseptions/

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