
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Its Up To Us! No One Else Can Do Whats Right | A Rant On The Illusion Of Civilization by Judge Anna

Judge Anna Von Reitz delivers a rant that reminds me of the speech from the film Network:
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
She apparently has a keen understanding of a great many things and how the people are uniquely empowered to change. She has written several informative articles which we've shared in the past, here are a few:

Frauds: Marriage Licenses, Civil Unions and 501(c) (3) Incorporation | Judge Anna Von Reitz Wait a Moment…. “How can it be illegal for people to get married?”

USA, Inc. Committed Massive Identity Theft | Trust Law Understood - Open Letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew — from Anna von Reitz

Legalized Slavery: The 13th and 14th Amendment Hoax – Judge Anna von Reitz Exposes the Fraudulent Congress

There is a preponderance of injustices running rampant on our little blue sphere, and it seems almost insurmountable to do anything about it. Who can we trust to do it for us? The truth is we can only trust ourselves.

At this stage, with knowledge bottled up and undiffused, we are ill prepared to meet the challenges we face. Hence the sharing of knowledge is an essential to building up the tools for real change on a large scale. Thankfully once a desire to know and understand is rekindled, empowerment is easily gained. And despite the mainstream view that there is no other way to run our civilization, other then to leach off of and destroy the environment, there are many tools available to us to effect great healing for the Earth and ourselves.

Note: Judge Anna mentions Pope Francis below, eluding to his possible beneficial actions in response to a question asked by Arne. While on the surface it does appear that he is attempting some degree of positive changes, we should not blindly place our faith in this man or anyone. Its blind belief that got us into this mess, and only research, investigation and discernment encouraged by all will we uproot and transform the errors of the past. 

Related Debt Forgiveness? | Pope Francis' Holy Year of Mercy could be a truly great jubilee

- Justin Deschamps

Source - Scanned Retina

WARNING – UNLESS YOU ARE A FULLY QUALIFIED SOVEREIGN – DO NOT EVEN GO HERE: And since you work in the service of the Pope, your role is what?

Question about the Pope: 
Part of the mission of the Pope? And since you work in the service of the Pope, your role is what?
In the service of the creator.

Judge Anna's Response:

The corporations that the Global Estate Trust allowed to run wild have caused terrible problems for the environment— Fukashima, chem trails, “uranium enriched” artillery shells and radioactive dust pollution, pollution of major aquifers,etc.,etc., etc., and their meddling with the gas plasma of the upper atmosphere has additionally caused changes in the jet stream that are in turn causing MORE problems…..
Nobody has money to pay for cleaning this up, least of all the corporations that caused the problems— which have all conveniently gone bankrupt.
So, it comes back to you and I to fund the clean up, because we and our assets are the only sources of wealth that ever existed in the first place.
And we do have a stake in undertaking this work, because it is our world that is messed up—our earth, our air, our water.
To put it bluntly, these bankrupt corporations defecated in our communal mess kit and there is nobody left to deal with the results but us. So those in charge are trying to start a new basis for taxation and regulation—- taxation to pay for the clean up and research necessary and regulation to make sure this doesn’t continue or happen again in the future.
That does not mean that we should meekly go along with this and just pay the bill like good little citizens.
Once again, we are not the problem. We are the victims. Mismanagement of corporations and abuse of our common resources are the cause of this situation. The banks, their lawyer buddies, and the governmental services corporations and agencies they have fronted are the perpetrators. The poltiicians and churchmen have acted as the facilitators. The armies of the world have acted as the enforcers. They all need to be pulled on the carpet and forced to completely redirect their activities to make amends to everyone concerned.
Francis is a chemist so he may not grasp the plasma physics end of this, but we do, and you may be sure that there are others who do as well, who will speak up and interject a chilling cold water slosh of reality into the political discussion.
Meantime, it behooves every American to start reading up on scientific topics, especially fractal math, resonance theory, plasma physics, the electric universe, zero-point energy, and other topics that are both the key to understanding the problem and the key to restoring our planet. It’s time for America to read and understand what the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth have been saying all along.
What hit the World Trade Towers in 2001 was not any form of energy commonly known to mankind. No airplane crash severed 43 four-foot thick steel and cement pillars. No airplane caused a fire to burn at 6800 degrees Fahrenheit. No conventional weapon melted steel seventy feet deep in the earth. What we all witnessed during 911 was a purposeful demolition using scalar technology. They turned the Twin Towers into a crematorium. Those responsible had a top Hollywood film crew set up the night before to film all this and preserve it in technicolor. That’s how we were all able to see the disaster in such detail and from so many angles the next morning.
We are dealing with evil in high places. Anyone in a high position of office or trust who does not immediately move to correct is part of the problem. That includes Pope Francis if he wavers in bringing back sanity and relief, but as long as he acts with good faith and keeps moving in the right direction, he deserves our heartfelt thanks and full support.
In “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” we described the problem that has been caused by the Bush Administration’s use of “depleted Uranium” artillery shells. Everyone knows about Fukashima. Everyone knows about fluoride and chem trails and GMO’s. Less known problems are even worse. We have entire atolls in the Pacific where millions of tons of atomic waste were buried that are now underwater and leaking. The “earthquake greater than any earthquake” foretold as part of Revelation in the Christian Bible? What do you think will happen if one of those atolls blows?
The shock wave will throw the better part of the Pacific Ocean onto the land and the counter-shock will pull the Atlantic over Europe and Africa like a curtain. Days of darkness and torrents of rain or snow and giant hail stones are about the least of the miseries the survivors could expect in its wake.
We have trillions upon trillions of cubic yards of methane trapped in ice both in the ocean and under the ground. What do you think happens when that ice melts and the methane escapes into the atmosphere? Increased carbon dioxide won’t kill us— all that does is increase the amount of vegetation—but methane is a deadly biological poison as well as a hydrocarbon fuel. Every fraction of a degree of warming at the surface of the Earth means more methane in the air and more methane percolating through the sea, which means less oxygen to breathe and more toxicity and more warming.
We have underwater volcanoes active and spewing out billions of tons of poisonous gases and discharged lava along both the Pacific and Atlantic ridges. These volcanos are “out of sight, out of mind” but they are some of the most powerful and unpredictable and deadly forces in nature. They are quietly changing the chemistry of the oceans and warming them, like giant Bunsen Burners heating an unimaginably large pot of water. We have no control over them, no understanding of why they form or why they erupt as opposed to staying dormant. The only scientific theory that does appear to fit the facts– the “expanding earth” theory— was pooh-poohed more than a century ago in favor of the tectonic plates theory.
We have the corporations to thank for the existence of many “environmental threats” and more than enough from an outraged Mother Nature, too. The”United States of America, Inc.” and “ELIZABETH II” and the “UNITED NATIONS, INC.” and all the rest of the subsidiaries and “agencies”, including Haliburton and Blackwater and the euphemistically named “DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE”, the CIA, the FBI, and all their counterparts in other countries around the globe are responsible for some of the worst of this, but at the end of the day—-guess what?
There’s nobody here but us chickens.
Let’s see you bring “Haliburton” to trial? Or Exxon? Or British Petroleum? Or Barclay’s Bank? Or USB? Or BIS? Where is “he”?
These things don’t really exist. They only exist by “convention”— by agreement—that is, by mutual delusion.
You can identify the corporate officers of these organizations and hold them feet first to the fire. You can liquidate these organizations, just as the original Knights Templar organization was liquidated. You can seize their assets, and use the proceeds to compensate the victims and clean up the mess.
But in doing so, we have a very sobering reality to face: we allowed this to go on in our midst. We were like the Nazi Sergeant Schultz in the TV show “Hogan’s Heroes”— determinedly saying, “I hear nothing! I see nothing!”
We accepted mass delusion as a “normal” state of affairs.   
Now that we say it, can’t you see it for yourselves? The Emperor has no clothes on. Not a stitch. None of the Emperors have any clothes on— not the Pope, not the Queen, not the President. At best, they can make a good faith effort to return our assets to our control, to clean up the environmental catastrophes that the corporations have caused, and to act as faithful stewards of the Earth and the people they are supposed to serve.
We have allowed some countries and some people to be treated worse than animals. We have worshipped Mammon and Semiramis and even Molloch instead of any Creator. We let things get so out of hand that we’ve brought ourselves and everyone else to the brink of destruction, and if Ma Nature decides to end the experiment before we grow brains and develop the capability to live with the Earth and with each other, we have nobody to blame.
Some “patriots” are set on finding vampires under the bed and Satan’s priests sitting on thrones in the Catholic Church. The truth is quite different—-and it deserves to be heard. The truth is that Baptist, Satanist, Atheist, Lutheran, Buddhist, Hindu, Mormon, Muslim and all the rest are in the same fragile boat— the Ark of the Earth— and rotters from all nations and religions have drilled holes in the bottom of it.
Another way to put it is that we are all in the same blizzard forty miles from nowhere…. It doesn’t matter whether the ancient Israelites were black or white or what symbolic meanings you attach to the Confederate flag. It doesn’t matter which political party you belong to. Or what kind of economic system or form of money you think is best. And it certainly doesn’t matter who is the Biggest Loser.
Whatever our religious or political beliefs, whatever our race or ethnography, our lives and the continuance of life on this planet depends on us wising up and working together to (1) build a better life and (2) hold our leaders and peers accountable. The corporations responsible for serious environmental crimes against humanity are going to try to avoid that responsibility, just like they will try to avoid culpability for defrauding and enslaving us all. They will blame their victims and hand us the bill if we allow it.
Some people are going to chase around like squirrels let loose in a grainary. You will hear them screaming about the Earth being over-populated and advocating genocide and abortion and forced sterilization and every other oppressive kind of evil and murder. You will hear them muttering about “Communists” and “Fascists” and “Conservatives”. They will wave their hands and fulminate about treason, about Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives, Blacks and Whites, Unionists, Progressives, Jews and all the other labels they can come up with.
They will focus attention on anything and everything but the Truth, because the Truth is uncomfortable and bitter and hard to take. Remember the Bitter Pill —sweet on the tongue, but hard on the stomach?   
The Truth is that we are all responsible—everyone worldwide, and we are all at risk, and there is nobody but us—all of us— to repair the ship and steer it home. The Pope is doing his best to set a course and begin repairs, even if he is not yet totally clear on the nature and extent of the environmental problems. That, like everything else in the Kingdom of Lies, has been well-obscured.

Found @ StillnessintheStorm.com

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