Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Operation AKA Project PAPERCLIP | Laying the Foundations for The Modern Secret Space Program and the Fourth Reich

Found @ Stillness In The Storm

Operation Paperclip, also know as, Project Paperclip, is probably one of the most influential secret government developments of the past 100 years. It was primarily an effort of the United States, but what came about as a result of this enterprise would have global and even exopolitical implications. For those searching for a more accurate version of history, this now declassified operation is prima fascia evidence that the powers behind the Nazi regime infiltrated and took over the American military industrial complex. By all accounts, the past 50 years of US and geopolitical policy has been shaped by this enigmatic merger.

What has been largely unrevealed to the public is that both groups had their own secret space programs being developed prior to World War II. But this now unified group formed a multinational clandestine secret space program that has existed since the 1960's, producing aStar Trek level of advancement as of today's reckoning. This was Made possible by the union of the German and American secret space programs between the end of World War II and the beginning of the 'Brain Drain era', in the early 1960's.

The following a compilation of two articles from Biblioteca Pleyades, an incredible archive of information, which could easily be thought of as a modern day version of the library of Alexandria.

I will list the first two out of a dozen articles from that site in completion for ease of reading, but I strongly encourage everyone to explore the complete compendium of information offered there. I have known about this site for over five years, and it continues to be an invaluable resource on my path of awakening.

The following data helps provide verification for the work of several contemporary secret space program insiders, namely, Corey Goode and William Tomkins. Tomkins data relates to the lower level military industrial complex, whereas Goode's data discusses high-level operations and developments usually undisclosed to even high level insiders close to Earth. Goode's testimony greatly expands the overarching narrative of modern human history and seemingly helps one gain greater understanding into these perplexing areas of research.

Related Summary and Analysis of Cosmic Disclosure with Corey Goode and David Wilcock

Related Disclosure by William Tomkins

Here is a brief recounting of some of the narrative pieced together from Goode's testimony, which should help set the stage for Operation Paperclip data in this compilation. Many of the more peculiar aspects of Operation Paperclip begin to make sense within a secret space program narrative. 

Shortly after World War II, the American military-industrial complex recruited a great many top-level Nazi scientists, engineers and adept thinkers into the American intelligence apparatus. Prior to this development, secret space programs were being independently advanced on both sides, but the Germans were light years ahead of the American group; that is no figure of speech.

According to Goode, the Germans also built out a vast Antarctic base network, prior to the end of the war, after realizing the overt war effort was not going to end well for them. After the war, the best and brightest minds of the German program resettled in Antarctica, continuing to advance their already highly advanced secret space program.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 2: Agarthans: Advancing the Frontier - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

Unbeknownst to the Americans, the Germans who came over during Paperclip had a secret agenda, to infiltrate and take-over the American military-industrial complex to service the ends of the German program. And over a course of time, this is exactly what took place.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 4: Breakaway Begins - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

The German program was working with at least two different groups that helped advance technology developed from earlier efforts. During the 1920's and 30's in a raiders of the lost arch style expeditionary campaign, they searched for ancient texts and monastic knowledge to assist them in reverse engineering ancient vimanas or flying machines. 

One of the races the Germans made contact with claimed to be from the Aldebaran star system, but could have actually been ancient breakaway civilization humans living below the Earth's surface. These contacts came about as a result of advanced mediumship cultivated by the Thule and Vril societies, which provided the Germans invaluable intelligence as to where bases could be established in the secret places of the Earth, as well as locations of ancient texts needed to further their antigravity spacecraft program. The Germans were successful in that effort, and by the end of the war, they were already advancing well beyond their previous set of accomplishments.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 1: Contact Is Made - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

Related The Black Sun and the Luminous Lodge The Vril Society, the Luminous Lodge and the Realization of the Great Work

After a few waves of German scientists came over, they decided to give the Americans a few tokens of appreciation for being briefed into high-level American programs, which came in the form of these older reverse engineered craft, what Americans were calling ARVs or Alien Reproduction Vehicles. This kept the Americans busy for a time while the German group continued their infiltration efforts.

Related Analysis of A.I. Influences on Earth and ET Civilizations | GoodETxSG NAZI "Alien Reproduction Vehicle"/ARV - Nazi Die Glocke - "Gold from Mercury Problem"

At one point, the Americans realized that the Paperclip Germans were in contact with a group in Antarctica, which confirmed several troubling reports related to the possible existence of German encampments there. In an effort to deal with the German problem, Operation Highjumpwas to send an invasion force to the icy continent, commanded by Admiral Byrd. Despite being one of the largest Naval forces assembled, they were almost completely disabled by German resistance, which had far superior technology than the American forces.

Related Operation Highjump and the German UFO Connection | Mid 20th Century Secret Space Program History

Shortly after this effort, President Eisenhower gave his famous speech warning of the military-industrial complex, which by this time, had been taken over by the German program.

Related Agarthans or ETs? | Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials or Ancient Breakaway Civilization Humans From Inner Earth?

It was this insidious union that set the course of history for the next 50 years, bringing us secret programs like MK ULTRA, transforming into a multi-national organization encompassing nearly every nation on the planet. According to Corey Goode, this overarching group is called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, which as of today, has colonized the solar system and beyond, even developing trade agreements with over 900 extraterrestrial races. And this same group has unfolded their draconian agenda here on Earth as well, literally kidnapping human beings at a staggering rate for human trafficking operations with nefarious groups. They even have a 'fake' military abduction program, which leads victims to believe they are being abducted by extraterrestrials, but are in fact, human operatives using the victims for genetic research or even the implantation of alien human hybrids. 

Related Aol Reports: Alien Human Hybrid’ Believed to be Secret Government Operative Found Dead in SUV in Los Angeles [videos]

Related Mothers to Alien Hybrids? | Women 'had sex with aliens and gave birth to hybrid babies' - and so might YOU

Do any of these points sound familiar? 

There are aspects of this narrative being disclosed to the public right now in fictional works. In the film, Captain America Winter Soldier, an aspect of the military-industrial complex was taken over by 'Hydra' a group of Nazi's that came over during Operation Paperclip.

Here is a brief clip from that film discussing this:

In another glaringly obvious soft disclosure, the TV show X-Files recently came back on the air after nearly a 14-year hiatus. The show is already infamous for espousing belief in conspiracy theories discussing UFOs, extraterrestrials, and a secret government, but in the first episode of season 10, the show outdoes itself in disclosure of historical data points related to the existence of secret space programs. 

For all intents and purposes, the lower level narrative of the secret space program, wherein the Nazi's took over the secret government of the United States, and suppressed technology in public, while developing it in secret, is clearly articulated in the first episode. For more on this see the following article. 

Related Analysis of X-Files Episode 1: "My Struggle" by Deus Nexus | The X-Files Disclosure of 2016!

To be clear, the narrative discussed by X-Files is hardly the complete picture. At this stage, the 'close to Earth' secret space program seems to be what is revealed there, with NRO type insiders claiming to have the highest level need to know intel. 

Related Secret NRO Space Stations to be Revealed in Limited Disclosure Plan

But this appears to be part of the compartmentalization effort in the programs at large, wherein, insiders are told they have the highest level access but are in fact, not completely briefed on all activities. These individuals end up becoming some of the best disinformation agents insofar as vehemently opposing any insider testimony that does not agree with what they have been told.

In my view, the following presentation of historical facts related to Paperclip will probably become official history, after a large-scale disclosure event occurs. But to be clear, this event is not guaranteed.

Goode claims that an aspect of the secret space program began to break away from the corporate conglomerate chiefly for the purposes of ending the truth embargo and finally releasing hidden technology to the planet. Our ability to find and share the truth, regardless of the source, is an essential part of preparing the way for what he calls 'Data Dumps', wherein the whole truth will be revealed to all people everywhere. In order to help facilitate this process, he has rightly called for unity within the awakening community, which I think is an essential part of our effort to regain freedom and ensure life is prosperous for generations to come. 

Related It's Time For Unity | Analysis of Mini Update by Corey Goode: The Art of Negotiation and Who Represents Humanity in SSP AllIance Meetings?

As the old saying goes, knowledge is power, as such, take the time to gain awareness of these now officially acknowledged historical events. 

- Justin

Source - Biblioteca Pleyades

[This is the 'table of contents' listing all the material related to Paperclip available on the site. Only the first two english articles are listed in this compilation. Click the other items to review even more data about PAPERCLIP.]

 - "Operación Paperclip" - De Las V2 a La Luna - La Alianza del Pentágono con Los Nazis

Additional Information

 -  The CIA Covenant - Nazis in Washington - by Gregory Douglas


Related Reports
 -  Black Projects - Filadelfia-Montauk - Main File
 -  Disclosure - Main File
 -  German Disc Aircrafts (1922-1945 and beyond) - Main File

from Wikipedia Website

Operation Paperclip (also credited as Project Paperclip) was the code name under which the U.S. intelligence and military services extracted German scientists from Nazi Germany, during and after the final stages of World War II.

In 1945 the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip.[1]

Osenberg List

Following the German failure of its invasion of the Soviet Union (codenamed Operation Barbarossa) and the entry of the US into WWII, the strategic position of Germany was at a disadvantage since German military industries were unprepared for a long war.

As a result, Germany began efforts in spring 1943 to recall scientists and technical personnel from combat units where their skills could be used in research and development:[2]
‘Overnight, Ph.D.s were liberated from KP duty, masters of science were recalled from orderly service, mathematicians were hauled out of bakeries, and precision mechanics ceased to be truck drivers.’— Dieter K. Huzel
The recall effort first required identifying such personnel and then tracking them (particularly for loyalty), which culminated in the Osenberg List by Werner Osenberg, a University of Hannover engineering scientist who headed the Wehrforschungsgemeinschaft (English: Military Research Association).[3]

In March 1945, a Polish laboratory technician found the shredded pieces of the Osenberg List in a toilet that hadn't flushed properly.[4]

US Army Major Robert B Staver, Chief of the Jet Propulsion Section of the Research and Intelligence Branch of the US Army Ordnance in London, subsequently used the Osenberg list to compile the Black List, the code name for the list of scientists targeted for interrogation, with the rocket scientist Wernher von Braun's name at the top.[5]

Operation Paperclip scientists pose together

Operation Overcast

The original unnamed plan to interview only the rocket scientists changed after Major Staver sent a cable (signed by Colonel Joel Holmes) to the Pentagon on May 22, 1945 of the urgency to evacuate the German technicians and their families as "important for Pacific war."[4]

Likewise, an equally strong desire was to deny German expertise to the Soviet Union.

In the Operation Alsos case of Werner Heisenberg, the head of the German nuclear energy project:
"…he was worth more to us than ten divisions of Germans."[6]
In addition to scientists specializing in rocketry and Nuclear physics, various Allied teams were also searching for experts in chemistry, medicine, and naval weapons.

An effort that predated Overcast was the US Navy's acquisition in May 1945 of Dr. Herbert A. Wagner, who [7] worked at Naval Air Station Point Mugu in 1947.

The majority of the scientists were involved with the V-2 rocket, and the rocket group was initially housed with their families at a housing project in Landshut Bavaria. Operation Overcast was designated by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff on July 19, 1945,[5] but when the nickname "Camp Overcast" was being openly used for the housing, the code name was changed to Paperclip.[5][4]

By 1958, many aspects of Paperclip had become common knowledge. It was openly mentioned in a Time magazine article about von Braun.[8]


Groups of scientists

In early August 1945, Colonel Holger N. Toftoy, chief of the Rocket Branch in the Research and Development Division of Army Ordnance, offered initial one-year contracts to the rocket scientists. After Toftoy agreed to take care of their families, 127 scientists accepted the offer.

In September 1945, the first group of seven rocket scientists arrived from Germany at Fort Strong in the US:
  1. Wernher von Braun
  2. Erich W. Neubert
  3. Theodor A. Poppel
  4. August Schultze
  5. Eberhard F. M. Rees
  6. Wilhelm Jungert
  7. Walter Schwidetzky [4]
Eventually the rocket scientists arrived at Fort Bliss, Texas for rocket testing at White Sands Proving Grounds as "War Department Special Employees."[2]

In early 1950, legal status for some "Paperclip Specialists" was obtained when visas were issued[5] at the US consulate in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; from which the scientists legally entered the US.[2] In later decades, some scientists' WWII wartime activities were investigated — Arthur Rudolph was linked to the Mittelbau-Dora slave labor, and Hubertus Strughold was implicated in Nazi human experimentation.

Eighty-six aeronautical experts were transferred to Wright Field, which had also acquired aircraft and other equipment under Operation Lusty.[9]

The United States Army Signal Corps employed 24 specialists — including:
  1. physicists:
    1. Dr. Georg Goubau
    2. Dr. Gunter Guttwein
    3. Dr. Georg Hass
    4. Dr. Horst Kedesdy
    5. Dr. Kurt Levovec
  2. physical chemists:
    1. Professor Rudolf Brill
    2. Dr. Ernst Baars
    3. Dr. Eberhard Both
  3. geophysicist Dr. Helmut Weickmann
  4. technical optician Dr. Gerhard Schwesinger
  5. electronics engineers:
    1. Dr. Eduard Gerber
    2. Dr. Richard Guenther
    3. Dr. Hans Ziegler [1]
The United States Bureau of Mines employed seven German synthetic fuel scientists in a Fischer-Tropsch chemical plant in Louisiana, Missouri in 1946.[2]

In 1959, 94 Paperclip individuals went to the US, including:
  1. Friedwardt Winterberg
  2. Hans Dolezalek
  3. Friedrich Wigand [7]
Through 1990, Paperclip acquired a total of 1,600 personnel,[7] with the "intellectual reparations" taken by the U.S. and the UK (mainly German patents and industrial processes) valued at close to $10 billion.[10]

Related operations
  • Special Mission V-2 - US operation commanded by Major William Bromley to recover V-2 rocket parts and equipment. Major James P. Hamill, with the aid of the 144th Motor Vehicle Assembly Company, coordinated the shipment of the first trainload of V-2 equipment from Nordhausen to Erfurt.[5] (see also Operation Blossom, Broomstick Scientists, Hermes project, Operations Sandy and Pushover)
  • Operation Backfire - Rocket experiments in the area of Cuxhaven
  • ECLIPSE - unimplemented 1944 plan for post-war operations in Europe[11] that would destroy V-1 and V-2 missiles found by the Air Disarmament Wing.[12]
  • Safehaven - US project under ECLIPSE to prevent German researchers from escaping to other countries (e.g., Latin America).[5]
  • JCS Directive 1067/14 - On April 26, 1946, Joint Chiefs of Staff Order 1067 had been issued to General Eisenhower to "preserve from destruction and take under your control records, plans, books, documents, papers, files and scientific, industrial and other information and data belonging to … German organizations engaged in military research."[13] The U.S. occupation directive stated that German scientists should be detained as needed for intelligence purposes, except for war-criminals.[14]
  • Field Information Agency; Technical (FIAT) - US Army agency for securing the "major, and perhaps only, material reward of victory, namely, the advancement of science and the improvement of production and standards of living in the United Nations by proper exploitation of German methods in these fields." [15] FIAT was dissolved in 1947 when operation PAPERCLIP began large scale operations.
  • DUSTBIN (counterpart of ASHCAN) - US Army detention center established first in Paris and later in Kransberg Castle outside Frankfurt.[16][17]
  • National Interest/Project 63 - "Project to help former Nazis obtain jobs with Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation or other defense contractors during a time when many American engineers in the aircraft industry were being laid off."[7]
  • Operation Alsos, Operation Big - US efforts to capture German nuclear secrets, equipment and personnel
  • Operation Lusty - US efforts to capture German aeronautical secrets, equipment and personnel
  • Target Intelligence Committee (TICOM) - US project to gather German experts in cryptography.
  • Operation Surgeon - UK operation to deny German aeronautical expertise to the USSR and instead exploit the scientists in order to further British research. [18]

References and footnotes
  1. Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
  2. Huzel, Dieter K (1960). Peenemünde to Canaveral. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, p27,226. 
  3. Forman, Paul; Sánchez-Ron, José Manuel (1996). National Military Establishments and the Advancement of Science and Technology, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 308. 
  4. McGovern, James (1964). Crossbow and Overcast. New York: W. Morrow, p100,104,173,207,210,242. 
  5. Ordway, Frederick I., III; Sharpe, Mitchell R (1979). The Rocket Team, Apogee Books Space Series 36, p310,313,314,316,325,330,406. 
  6. Naimark, Norman M (1979). The Russians in Germany; A History of the Soviet Zone of occupation, 1945-1949. Harvard University Press, p207.  
  7. Hunt, Linda (1991). Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. New York: St.Martin's Press, p6,21,31,176,204,259.  
  8. "Reach for the Stars", Time (magazine), February 17, 1958. Retrieved on 2007-07-21. "Shirtsleeved, tousled, and bright-eyed with the dream that gave Germany its V-2 and the U.S. its first orbiting satellite, bull-shouldered Wernher von Braun paced the yellow-walled office in Building 4488, nerve center of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency at Huntsville, Alabama. Already on his cluttered mahogany desk last week was a new satellite assignment: preparing…" 
  9. The End of World War II. (television show, Original Air Date: 2-17-05). A&E. Retrieved on 2007-06-04.
  10. Naimark. 206 (Naimark cites Gimbel, John Science Technology and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany) NOTE: The $10 billion compares to the U.S. annual GDP of $258 billion in 1948 and to the total Marshall plan expenditure (1948-1952) of $13 billion, of which Germany received $1.4 billion (partly as loans).
  11. Ziemke, Earl F (1990). The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany 1944-1946. Washington DC: US Army, p163. 
  12. Cooksley, Peter G (1979). Flying Bomb. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, p 44. 
  13. McGovern. 185
  14. Beyerchen, Alan. German Scientists and Research Institutions in Allied Occupation Policy. History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3, Special Issue: Educational Policy and Reform in Modern Germany. (Autumn, 1982), pp. 289-299.
  15. Ziemke. pg 316 NOTE: So much of the FIAT information was used for commercial purposes that the office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas let it be known that they wanted the future peace treaty with Germany be phrased so that U.S. industry that made use of the information would be protected from lawsuits.(Beyerchen. 289-299)
  16. Ziemke pg 314
  17. The New Form of Government: Bombocracy (html). Current Concerns. Dr. Annemarie Buchholz, historian, Switzerland. Retrieved on 2007-05-03.

from GreyFalcon Website

After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty.

They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medicines, and electronics. But they were also hunting down the most precious "spoils" of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine.

The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America. It had originally intended merely to debrief them and send them back to Germany. But when it realized the extent of the scientists knowledge and expertise, the War Department decided it would be a waste to send the scientists home.

Following the discovery of flying discs (foo fighters), particle/laser beam weaponry in German military bases, the War Department decided that NASA and the CIA must control this technology, and the Nazi engineers that had worked o­n this technology.

There was o­nly o­ne problem: it was illegal. U.S. law explicitly prohibited Nazi officials from immigrating to America--and as many as three-quarters of the scientists in question had been committed Nazis.

'Operation Paperclip' 

America derived secret technology and science from the Nazis, that it now uses at Area 51......

In Operation Paperclip,
That it Now Uses at Area 51......

from GreyFalcon Website

According to Tom Bower’s book The Paperclip Conspiracy:

The Paperclip Conspiracy was the climax of an astonishing battle between the Allies in the aftermath of war to seize the spoils of Nazi Germany: a successful plot by senior officers in the Pentagon to rewrite the wartime record of brilliant German scientists. Men who were classified as ‘ardent Nazis’ were chosen - just weeks after Hitler’s defeat - to become ‘respectable’ American citizens. [1]

Some in Britain, too, conspired to employ Nazis, seeing that as their last hope for economic recovery, but were opposed by outraged politicians and officials. While they argued, their erstwhile Allies advantageously hired the most incriminated Germans - the French and the Russians took on anyone regardless of their crimes, and the Americans through a taut web of deceit, sanitized the murderous record of Nazi scientists.... reveals for the first time the despair, lies and calculating ruthlessness of Allied politicians, officers, civil servants and businessman who, after five years of bitter war, openly began fighting amongst themselves about the plunders and profit of victory.

The pawns in the middle were the men, machines and secrets of the Third Reich, but the ultimate victors were the Germans themselves. [1]

Neil Armstrong’s epic landing on the moon in 1969 was courtesy of two groups of Germans: Wernher von Braun’s rocket team, which approved the use of slave labour to build the V2 rocket, and the German aviation doctors whose pioneering experiments had included fatal tests on the inmates at Dachau...[1]

Keeping the operation totally secret was impossible, since the Germans were scattered around the country and were mingling with American citizens. Because the government’s first announcement had, deliberately, never been contradicted, the public believed the Germans were just temporary visitors. Yet the rest of the operation was top secret, and it fell to the army to deflect attention away from the secret long - term immigration and denial policies.

This policy of deception would soon be extended towards the State Department and the White House. In the spring of 1946, however, it simply amounted to emphasizing the harmlessness of the Germans and their potential benefit to America. [2]

I wonder if the ‘diversion of public attention' was the UFO topic? Where public wondered if strange objects in the sky were alien craft, when more likely they were aircraft being tested. But because these Nazi scientists were working on these secret aircraft, it was too close to being the truth, if one made the connection Nazi instead of Alien. And so it was a deception campaign that got out of hand?

Later the topic of UFOs may have turned into a more complicated set of different phenomenon?

Bower continues:

Gruhn hoped to control potential criticism by arranging a visit for journalists to Wright Field to meet ‘representative German scientists.’

In a lengthy press release, he described the recruits as ‘comparable to Prof. Einstein’, and cited the new denial policy as evidence that the government was,
‘using vacuum cleaner methods to acquire all the technical and scientific information that the Germans have.’
Had the press been more alert, Gruhn could have been seriously embarrassed. Einstein had vigorously protested to President Truman about allowing German scientists into America, and apparently no one realized that there was a possibility of large numbers of Germans arriving in the USA. [2]

[End of excerpt]

The press in 1946, were too ‘dumb’ to add two and two together, and deduce there was a scandal going on with large numbers of Nazi Scientists suddenly starting to work long term in America.

If someone had been clever, and added together ‘large numbers of Nazi scientists working at Wright Field on aircraft,’ with ‘sightings of strange crafts in the sky,’ the answer then would have been man made crafts not alien crafts, but the public found the idea of aliens more exotic and got diverted.

But what about this "...lengthy press release, he described the recruits as ‘comparable to Prof. Einstein’," mere ‘hype’? Or could he have been telling the truth? The scientific environment that led to the creation of Einstein, could have easily led to scientists of his calibre, and it did!

Einstein was not some lone genius coming from nowhere, he was in a community of German scientists that were of his same calibre.

How else, would Germany suddenly make a leap in technology during the war?

It had to make that leap, because:
Germany's declaration of war against America and the abortive invasion of Russia had forced Hitler, at the beginning of 1942, to change his strategy from a short - to a long - term war. Admiral Dönitz’s submarine designers began a crash program which pushed technical frontiers far beyond anything envisaged two years earlier.

New U - boats were designed to dive to six hundred feet, a specification which the Admiralty found incredible since British designers were unable to produce anything similar; special supply - submarines, ‘Milch Cows’, which could replenish the U - boats at sea, were sent out into the Atlantic, permitting the packs to sustain longer operations ...... [3]
And we all know about the V- weapons etc. Germany just stepped up its technological capability because it had the potential to do so; it had Einstein caliber scientists and engineers.

The result:
On the eve of the Normandy landings, both American and British army chiefs privately acknowledged that their soldiers, fighting with inferior weapons, would suffer an enormous disadvantage............ [4]
And the Allies suddenly became engaged in a ‘mad rush’ to acquire Nazi technology and science:
All four wartime allies, the Americans, British, Russians and French became involved in the frantic and at times ruthless competition for German scientists [because] the use of Germans was simply not contemplated until as late as 1945. On the contrary, until the eve of peace, the notion of associating on equal terms with the men who had helped Hitler’s regime perfect weapons to kill Allied citizens was totally unthinkable.......But that sudden reversal in policy happened at the same time as the concentration camps and the worst crimes of the Nazis were discovered. [5]

It remains a very unpalatable fact that at the very moment when thousands of determined Allied officers began the hunt for German scientists, only a very few were charged to seek out the war criminals. [6]
Originally, a small number of ex-Nazis were supposed to be imported, but more were wanted:
Officially, Paperclip was terminated on 30 September 1947. In a public statement, the army announced that during the ‘procurement phase’, 457 scientists and 453 dependants had been brought to America. But with so much unfinished business and so many demands from the military for more scientists, the pressure for continuation was overwhelming. [7]

In order to achieve that object, the air force orchestrated a public chorus of praise extolling the genius of the German genius. Two hundred and nine scientists owned by the air force, it was claimed, had begun to open up new horizons in weapons technology, hitherto undreamed of. In the Air Staff’s opinion, they were ‘superlative specialists .... the best available in the world today’, and they were saving the air force millions of dollars and up to ten years’ work.

‘These German engineers,' they asserted, ‘are industrious, have technical and scientific training second to none, have production and operational experience in all types of advanced aircraft power plants and have demonstrated initiative, invention and practicability of design.’ [7] 
The air force proceeded to inundate Washington with an endless series of secret reports which listed projects masterminded by the Germans. Already under way were trials and experiments designed to test the feasibility of diesel engine, new fuels and lubricants, guided missile control, helicopters, high - temperature alloys, precision optics, infra-red detectors, in-flight refueling, pilot’s equipment for high - altitude flying, ribbon parachutes and a gun sight for night - fighters ‘of epoch - making importance’.

Most astounding of all were the advances in jet aircraft development which the German scientists had allegedly achieved. Zobel, Götheret and Walther Boccius had delivered amazing calculations regarding aeroplane structures and delta-wing configurations and aerodynamics, which finally convinced the air force of the superiority of German over Allied designs.

Other impressive achievements included pioneering work on engine test stands, optic developments for high- altitude reconnaissance, mapping, gun sights and evapographs. In the revolution of air warfare, the German contribution seemed paramount. [8] 
From the ordnance laboratory in Maryland, the navy reported that the German mathematicians, aerodynamicists and experts in heat transfer had proved that ‘their professional education and training’ were ‘superior to that of any US personnel available.' The Kochel wind tunnel was running at Mach 8, three times the speed and ten years ahead of the best American wind tunnel.

Other Germans had produced original research on acoustic weapons, counter- devices and explosives, and the Signal Corps reported that the Germans had ‘made contributions of an unusual and fundamental nature’ in the realms of equipment design and development, generators, microwave techniques and crystal structures. [8]

To critics, the general euphoria seemed suspect. Later analysis would, in fact, suggest that some of the research was little more than a year ahead of the field, and the Germans’ true value was their availability as highly experienced technicians and engineers - cheap labour for the military, who could not afford to hire Americans with similar qualifications. Equally, the assertion that the Germans were more security- conscious than Americans and could consequently be trusted, did not correspond to the alarm with which the news of German scientists' duplicity in France was received.

Throughout 1947, British and American intelligence reported the fears of General Libessart, the head of the French Ballistics and Aeronautics Research Centre in St Louis, about the Germans working for their own ends in a conspiracy with other German groups working both for Britain and Russia. [8]
Most Nazi scientists became American citizens:
..quietly operating behind a screen of misinformation, JIOA officers were plotting the perfect solution: to rewrite and sanitize the Nazi’s wartime activities by falsifying the security reports which were a vital preliminary for the scientists’ visas and their eventual citizenship. [9]
So, there we have it, a good part of the solution to UFOs when 'they' first started ‘they’ were part of a misinformation diversion from Operation Paperclip, but it then soon got out of hand. The ‘diversion’ was too close to what was really going on. With time the UFO phenomenon evolved into encompassing a much wider range of things. It started as strange crafts in the sky, and became strange encounters with possible aliens and numerous other related topics.

But these reports from witnesses of aliens, how reliable are they?

There are a larger number of people today that have a Spiritual New Age outlook on life, and these sort of people believe that dreams are just as important as waking experiences. So, how many reported alien encounters are merely from witnesses that believe dreams are reality, and how many are ‘real’ waking experiences? I have no idea.

From the humble beginning of diversion from Operation Paperclip, the UFO phenomenon now encompasses a great many things than what it originally was all about. To the word UFO there has been stuck numerous other mysteries than what it originally started as. And there still might be aliens out there. We were easily diverted in the past from what was ‘really’ going on, so how much misinformation do we get today that diverts us from knowing what is ‘really’ going on now?

The corruption of this misinformation could run very deep. It might have fostered upon us New Age Religious ideas that are nonsense, and given us a false science, while the science practiced at Area 51 is very different from that taught at public access Universities.


The Paperclip Conspiracy, Tom Bower, Michael Joseph, London, 1987

[1] blurb
[2] p 212
[3] p 213
[4] p 52
[5] p 66
[6] p 3
[7] p 269
[8] p 270
[9] p 252

Convinced that German scientists could help America's postwar efforts, President Harry Truman agreed in September 1946 to authorize "Project Paperclip," a program to bring selected German scientists to work on America's behalf during the "Cold War"

However, Truman expressly excluded anyone found,
"to have been a member of the Nazi party and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Naziism or militarism."
The War Department's Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background investigations of the scientists. In February 1947, JIOA Director Bosquet Wev submitted the first set of scientists' dossiers to the State and Justice Departments for review.

The Dossiers were damning. Samauel Klaus, the State Departments representative o­n the JIOA board, claimed that all the scientists in this first batch were "ardent Nazis." Their visa requests were denied.

Wev was furious. He wrote a memo warning that,
"the best interests of the United States have been subjugated to the efforts expended in 'beating a dead Nazi horse.'"
He also declared that the return of these scientists to Germany, where they could be exploited by America's enemies, presented a "far greater security threat to this country than any former Nazi affiliations which they may have had or even any Nazi sympathies that they may still have."

When the JIOA formed to investigate the backgrounds and form dossiers o­n the Nazis, the Nazi Intelligence leader Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director Allen Dulles. Dulles and Gehlen hit it off immediately. Gehlen was a master spy for the Nazis and had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network.

Dulles promised Gehlen that his Intelligence unit was safe in the CIA.

Apparently, Wev decided to sidestep the problem. Dulles had the scientists dossier's re-written to eliminate incriminating evidence. As promised, Allen Dulles delivered the Nazi Intelligence unit to the CIA, which later opened many umbrella projects stemming from Nazi mad research. (MK-ULTRA / ARTICHOKE, OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX)

Military Intelligence "cleansed" the files of Nazi references. By 1955, more than 760 German scientists had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments o­n humans at concentration camps, had used slave labor, and had committed other war crimes.

In a 1985 expose in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Linda Hunt wrote that she had examined more than 130 reports o­n Project Paperclip subjects--and every o­ne "had been changed to eliminate the security threat classification."

President Truman, who had explicitly ordered no committed Nazis to be admitted under Project Paperclip, was evidently never aware that his directive had been violated. State Department archives and the memoirs of officials from that era confirm this. In fact, according to Clare Lasby's book Operation Paperclip, project officials "covered their designs with such secrecy that it bedeviled their own President; at Potsdam he denied their activities and undoubtedly enhanced Russian suspicion and distrust," quite possibly fueling the Cold War even further.

A good example of how these dossiers were changed is the case of Wernher von Braun. A September 18, 1947, report on the German rocket scientist stated,
"Subject is regarded as a potential security threat by the Military Governor."
The following February, a new security evaluation of Von Braun said,
"No derogatory information is available o­n the subject...It is the opinion of the Military Governor that he may not constitute a security threat to the United States."
Here are a few of the 700 suspicious characters who were allowed to immigrate through Project Paperclip.


During the war, Rudolph was operations director of the Mittelwerk factory at the Dora-Nordhausen concentration camps, where 20,000 workers died from beatings, hangings, and starvation.

Rudolph had been a member of the Nazi party since 1931; a 1945 military file on him said simply:
"100% Nazi, dangerous type, security threat..!! Suggest internment."
But the JIOA's final dossier o­n him said there was "nothing in his records indicating that he was a war criminal or and ardent Nazi or otherwise objectionable." Rudolph became a US citizen and later designed the Saturn 5 rocket used in the Apollo moon landings.

In 1984, when his war record was finally investigated, he fled to West Germany.WERNHER VON BRAUN

From 1937 to 1945, von Braun was the technical director of the Peenemünde rocket research center, where the V-2 rocket - which devastated England - was developed. As noted previously, his dossier was rewritten so he didn't appear to have been an enthusiastic Nazi.

Von Braun worked o­n guided missiles for the U.S. Army and was later director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. He became a celebrity in the 1950s and early 1960s, as o­ne of Walt Disney's experts o­n the "World of Tomorrow."

In 1970, he became NASA's associate administrator.KURT BLOME

A high-ranking Nazi scientist, Blome told U.S. military interrogators in 1945 that he had been ordered in 1943 to experiment with plague vaccines o­n concentration camp prisoners. He was tried at Nuremberg in 1947 o­n charges of practicing euthanasia (extermination of sick prisoners), and conducting experiments o­n humans. Although acquitted, his earlier admissions were well known, and it was generally accepted that he had indeed participated in the gruesome experiments.

Two months after his Nuremberg acquittal, Blome was interviewed at Camp David, Maryland, about biological warfare. In 1951, he was hired by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work o­n chemical warfare.

His file neglected to mention Nuremberg.MAJOR GENERAL WALTER SCHREIBER

According to Linda Hunt's article, the US military tribunal at Nuremberg heard evidence that,
"Schreiber had assigned doctors to experiment o­n concentration camp prisoners and had made funds available for such experimentation."
The assistant prosecutor said the evidence would have convicted Schreiber if the Soviets, who held him from 1945 to 1948, had made him available for trial.

Again, Schreiber's Paperclip file made no mention of this evidence; the project found work for him at the Air Force School of Medicine at Randolph Field in Texas. When columnist Drew Pearson publicized the Nuremberg evidence in 1952, the negative publicity led the JIOA, says Hunt, to arrange "a visa and a job for Schreiber in Argentina, where his daughter was living."

On May 22, 1952, he was flown to Buenos Aires.HERMANN BECKER-FREYSING and SIEGFRIED RUFF

These two, along with Blome, were among the 23 defendants in the Nuremberg War Trials "Medical Case." Becker-Freysing was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison for conducting experiments o­n Dachau inmates, such as starving them, then force-feeding them seawater that had been chemically altered to make it drinkable. Ruff was acquitted (in a close decision) o­n charges that he had killed as many as 80 Dachau inmates in a low-pressure chamber designed to simulate altitudes in excess of 60,000 feet.

Before their trial, Becker-Freysing and Ruff were paid by the Army Air Force to write reports about their grotesque experiments.GENERAL REINHARD GEHLEN

It was five years after the end of WW2 but o­ne of Hitler's chief intelligence officers was still o­n the job. From a walled-in compound in Bavaria, General Reinhard Gehlen oversaw a vast network of intelligence agents spying o­n Russia. His top aides were Nazi zealots who had committed some of the most notorious crimes of the war. Gehlen and his SS united were hired, and swiftly became agents of the CIA when they revealed their massive records o­n the Soviet Union to the US.

Gehlen derived much of his information from his role in o­ne of the most terrible atrocities of the war: the torture, interrogation and murder by starvation of some four million Soviet prisoners. Prisoners who refused to cooperate were often tortured or summarily executed. Many were executed even after they had given information, while others were simply left to starve to death. As a result, Gehlen and members of his organization maneuvered to make sure they were captured by advancing American troops rather than Russians, who would have executed them immediately.

Two months before Germany surrendered in 1945, the Gehlen organization made its move. Gehlen and a small group of his most senior officers carefully microfilmed the vast holding o­n the USSR in the military section of the German army's general staff. They packed the film in watertight steel drums and secretly buried it in a remote mountain meadow scattered throughout the Austrian Alps.

General William Donovan and Allen Dulles of the CIA were tipped off about Gehlen's surrender and his offer of Russian intelligence in exchange for a job. The CIA was soon jockeying with military intelligence for authority over Gehlen's microfilmed records--and control of the German spymaster. Dulles arranged for a private intelligence facility in West Germany to be established, and named it the Geheln Organization. Gehlen promised not to hire any former SS, SD, or Gestapo members; he hired them anyway, and the CIA did not stop him.

Two of Gehlen's early recruits were Emil Augsburg and Dr. Franz Six, who had been part of mobile killing squads, which killed Jews, intellectuals, and Soviet partisans wherever they found them. Other early recruits included Willi Krichbaum, senior Gestapo leader for southeastern Europe, and the Gestapo chiefs of Paris and Kiel, Germany.

With the encouragement of the CIAGehlen Org (Licio Gelli) set up "rat lines" to get Nazi war criminals out of Europe so they wouldn't be prosecuted. By setting up transit camps and issuing phony passports, the Gehlen Org helped more than 5,000 Nazis leave Europe and relocate around the world, especially in South and Central America.

There, mass murderers like Klaus Barbie (the butcher of Lyons) helped governments set up death squads in Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, and elsewhere.KLAUS BARBIE

Known as the Nazi butcher of Lyons, France during World War 2, Barbie was part of the SS which was responsible for the and death of thousands of French people under the Germany occupation.HEINRICH RUPP

Some of Rupp's best work was done for the CIA, after he was imported in Operation Paperclip. Rupp has been convicted of bank fraud. He was an operative for the CIA and is deeply involved in the Savings and Loan scandals. A federal jury has indicated they believe testimony that Rupp, the late CIA Director William Casey - then Reagan's campaign manager, and Donald Gregg, now U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, flew with George Bush to Paris in 1980, during the election in which Bush was o­n the ticket with Ronald Reagan.

The testimony states that three meetings were held o­n October 19 and 20 at the Hotel Florida and Hotel Crillion.

The subject? According to the court testimony, the meetings were to sabotage President Jimmy Carter's reelection campaign by delaying the release of American hostages in Iran. The hostages were released o­n January 20, 1981, right after Reagan and Bush were sworn into office.

Iran was promised return of its frozen assets in the United States and the foundation for the Iran- Contra deal was set into motion.LICIO GELLI

Head of a 2400 member secret Masonic Lodge, P2, a neo-fascist organization, in Italy that catered to o­nly the elite, Gelli had high connections in the Vatican, even though he was not a Catholic. P2's membership is totally secret and not even available to its Mother Lodge in England. Gelli was responsible for providing Argentina with the Exocet missile.

He was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB. He assisted many former Nazi high officials in their escape from Europe to Central America. He had close ties with the Italian Mafia. Gelli was a close associate of Benito Mussolini. He was also closely affiliated with Roberto Calvi, head of the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank.

Calvi was murdered. Gelli's secret lodge consisted of extremely important people, including armed forces commanders, secret service chiefs, head of Italy's financial police, 30 generals, eight admirals, newspaper editors, television and top business executives and key bankers - including Calvi. Licio Gelli and others in P2 were behind the assassination of Pope John Paul 1.

The central figure in Europe and South America that linked the CIA, Masonic Lodge, Vatican, ex-Nazis and several South American governments, the Italian government and several international banks was Licio Gelli. He, with Klaus Barbie and Heinrich Rupp, met with Ronald R. Rewald in Uruguay to arrange for the Argentine purchase of the French-made Exocet missile, used in the Falkland Island attack to kill British soldiers.

Who is Gelli and why was he so important?

To understand Gelli, o­ne must understand the complex post war years of Europe. The biggest threat to Europe in pre-war times was Communism - it was the great fear of Communism that gave birth to the Fascists and the Nazis. Though both sides were dreaded, the Fascists represented right-wing government, while the Communist represent left-wing government.

It was the right-wing that the United States and the Catholic Church desired over Communism - because Communism would destroy the capitalistic system. This is why the CIA and the Vatican had gone through with Operation Paperclip. The Nazis had massive amounts of Soviet intelligence, had infiltrated Communist partisans, and were in no way going to be given up to the Soviet Union.

Gelli worked both sides. He helped to found the Red Brigade, spied o­n Communist partisans and worked for the Nazis at the same time, a double agent. He helped establish the Rat Line, which assisted the flight of high ranking Nazi officials from Europe to South America, with passports supplied by the Vatican and with the full acknowledgment and blessing of the United States intelligence community.

While o­n o­ne hand, the U.S. participated in the war crime tribunals of key Nazi officials and maintained an alliance with the Communist Soviet Union, secretly, the U.S. was preparing for the cold war and needed the help of Nazis in the eventual struggle the U.S. would have with the Soviet Union. Gelli's agreement with U.S. intelligence to spy on the Communists after the war was instrumental in saving his life. He was responsible for the murder and torture of hundreds of Yugoslavian partisans.

The Vatican provided support to Nazis and Fascists because the Communists were the real threat to the Church's survival. The Italian Communists would have taxed the Church's vast holdings and the Church has had a dismal experience with Communist governments throughout the world - where religious freedom was stamped out.

Gelli was well connected with the Vatican from the days of the Rat Line and he worked for American intelligence, as well. Gelli formed the P-2 Masonic Lodge-which did not follow the direction of any Grand Lodge - and it was supplied with a sum of $10 million a month by the CIA. Its membership was a Who's Who in the intelligence, military and Italian community. So prominent was Gelli's influence, that he was even a guest of honor at the 1981 inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.

Gelli used blackmail in order to gain prominent members of his P-2 lodge, its membership is estimated at 2400 members, including 300 of the most powerful men in the Western World.. He was a close friend of Pope Paul VI, Juan Peron of Argentina, Libyan Dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi, and many high officials in the Italian and American governments - he is also reported to have had some financial dealings with the George Bush for President campaign.

Gelli and his P-2 lodge had staggering connections to banking, intelligence and diplomatic passports. The CIA poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Italy in the form of secret subsidies for political parties, labor unions and communications businesses.

At the same time the Agency continued its relationship with far-right and violent elements as a back-up should a coup be needed to oust a possible Communist government. This covert financing was exposed by the Prime Minister of Italy in a speech to Parliament. He indicates that more than 600 people in Italy still remain o­n the payroll of the CIALicio Gelli was an ardent Nazi and a perfect asset of the CIA. As part of Reinhard Gehlen's intelligence team, he had excellent contacts.

Licio was the go between for the CIA and the Vatican through his P2 Lodge.

Project Paperclip was stopped in 1957, when West Germany protested to the U.S. that these efforts had stripped it of "scientific skills."

There was no comment about supporting Nazis. Paperclip may have ended in 1957, but as you can be seen from Licio Gelli and his international dealings with the CIA in Italy/P2, and Heinrich Rupp with his involvement in October Surprise, the ramifications of Paperclip are world-wide.

The Nazis became employed CIA agents, engaging in clandestine work with the likes of George Bush, the CIA, Henry Kissinger, and the Masonic P2 lodge. This is but one of the results of Operation Paperclip. Another umbrella project that was spawned from Paperclip was MK-ULTRA.

A secret laboratory was established and funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles in Montreal, Canada at McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. For the next several years Dr. Ewen Cameron waged his private war in Canada. What is ironic about Dr. Cameron is that he served as a member of the Nuremberg tribunal who heard the cases against the Nazi doctors.

When it was at its height in drug experiments, operation MK-ULTRA was formed. This was the brainchild of Richard Helms who later came to be a CIA director. It was designed to defeat the "enemy" in its brain-washing techniques. MK-ULTRA had another arm involved in Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) known as MK-DELTA.

The "doctors" who participated in these experiments used some of the same techniques as the Nazi "doctors".

Techniques used by Dr. Cameron and previous Nazi scientists include electro shock, sleep deprivation, memory implantation, memory erasure, sensory modification, psychoactive drug experiments, and many more cruel practices.

Project Paperclip brought us MK-ULTRA. Paperclip ultimately brought in key players involved in the Assassination of Pope 1, October Surprise (sabotage of Carter's peace talks), and a great many other things still classified to this day. The results of Project Paperclip were devastating, and very far reaching. I guess that is what you would expect from collaborating with Nazis.

This research shows that the OSS/CIA that was formed in the National Security Act, the same agency that employed hundreds of Nazis, has been in alliance with the Vatican through various Agency connections such as Licio Gelli. The CIA/Vatican alliance that Assassinated Pope John Paul 1, JFK, and hundreds of dictators of 3rd world countries is the Illuminati. 
The Bavarian Illuminati has been around for centuries in one way or another. It's presence in the 20th century is the direct result of the Nazis. The Nazi connections to the occult and the Bavarian Thule Society were parallel to the American members of 33rd degree Freemasonry. When the Operation Paperclip was successfully executed, the Nazi element of the Bavarian Thule society was fused with the American members of Freemasonry to create the Illuminati.

Operation PaperclipMK-ULTRAOctober Surprise, and George Bush are all facets of the Illuminati, a group whose ideals are rooted in the occult, and dedicated to world domination.

Soon after the American Revolution, John Robinson, a professor of rural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and member of a Freemason lodge, said that he was asked to join the Illuminati. After studying the group, he concluded that the purposes of the Illuminati were not compatible with his beliefs.

In 1798, he published a book called "Proofs Of A Conspiracy," which states:
"An association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments.... The leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors."
The CIA and the Vatican have rooted out all the religious establishments in the world. The CIA has overthrown and set up dictators under their control all over the world. The CIA and the Vatican have fulfilled the purpose of the Illuminati.

The CIA and the Vatican "are" the Illuminati.
[B]oth the USA and the Vatican... wished to help the flight of war criminals from Europe, each with its own objectives. Whereas the USA wanted to rescue them to carry out political operations against Soviet Russia and the oncoming Cold War, the Vatican, while thinking upon the same lines, had been motivated by an additional objective. Namely to help former political and religious supporters whom it had blessed during, the reign of terror under the Nazi imperium.

The basic motivation of such strange Vatican-USA fellowship... [was] derived by the necessity... to recruit, as energetically and as quickly as possible, trustworthy anti-Russian, anti-communist battalions ready to fight against Bolshevik Russia. And where could Vatican and the State Department find such ready, dedicated, anti-communist recruits, if not in the rank and file of... the fleeing war criminals now seeking asylum in the Americas and the USA? The fugitives... were now ready to... help the USA fight Soviet Russia, her former ally.

The recruitment of proven anti-communist individuals, from the fleeing war criminals, therefore became part and parcel of the USA-Vatican grand postwar strategy.

While Vatican City and its many extraterritorial buildings in Rome turned into the protective semi-official refuge for hundreds of war criminals, the USA's State Department became busy integrating many of them within its multi-varied branched subterranean machinery, operating outside official officialdom. 
~Baron Avro Manhattan, "The Vatican's Holocaust"

  1. It's a Conspiracy! Michael Litchfield, Earthworks Press
  2. Operation Paperclip, Clare Lasby, Athenaeum 1975
  3. U.S. Coverup of Nazi Scientists, Linda Hunt, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
  4. Acid Dreams, Martin Lee and Bruce Schlain, Grove Press
  5. Journey Into Madness, Gordon Thomas, Bantam Books
  6. Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, New York
  7. Kiss the Boys Goodbye, by Monika Jensen-Stevenson and William Stevenson.
  8. Inside Job - The Looting of America's S&L, by Stephen Pizzo, Mary Fricker
  9. In God's Name, An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I, by David A.Yallop.
  10. The Crimes of Patriots - A True Tale of Dope. Dirty Money, and the CIA by Jonathan Kwitny.
  11. Mengele - The Complete Story, by Gerald L. Posner and John Ware.
  12. Blowback, America's Recruitment of Nazis and its Effects o­n the Cold War, by Christopher Simpson.
  13. Jury Says Story of Reagan-Bush Campaign Deal With Iran Is True, San Francisco Chronicle May5, 1990.
  14. Hawaii Scheme Cost Napans $500.000, Napa Register October 3, 1983.
  15. The Vatican Connection by Richard Hammer
  16. The Great Heroin Coup, Drug's, Intelligence & International Fascism by Henrik Kruger
  17. The Nazi Legacy by Magnus Linklater, Isabel Hilton, Neal Ascherson
  18. The P-2 Time Bomb Goes Off, May 1984 The Economist

 The Great Patents Heist 

from GreyFalcon Website

One of the greatest rip-offs of all time was the theft of German patents after World War II
It is quite acceptable to American pride to acknowledge that immigrants have contributed to our prosperity and greatness. It's a little harder to swallow that a good deal of our scientific lead and prosperity - despite the ever-increasing burdens of non-skilled illegal immigrants and unproductive home-growns - has come from simply seizing German patents and inventions after World War I [the most prominent war booty which Woodrow Wilson seized in 1917 was the patent on aspirin, that "miracle drug"] and far more so after World War II.

There are those who claim the key to America's felicity has been its Jewish citizens. After all, this is now a "service economy" of stockbrokers and financial and entertainment services. Could America dispense with actually manufacturing or growing anything, and instead focus on the essentials like Broadway shows, Hollywood sitcoms and currency speculation?

The message of Bernt Engelmann's 1974 Deutschland ohne Juden, published in English by Bantam Books, New York in 1984 as Germany Without Jews, is clear: You Germans were mediocre until we Jews came, and now that we're gone, you have sunk back into mediocrity.

Engelmann cites endless lists of great Jewish MDs of German or Austrian domicile, several of whom, such as bacteriologists Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) and Robert Koch (1843-1910), won the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology (Ehrlich, 1908; Koch, 1905). Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), of dubious credentials, is one of Engelmann's prize examples.

Engelmann also slays entire forests with pages of printed paeans to forgotten Jewish playwrights, songsters, operetta producers, critics, publishers etc. How could one forget the immortal Meyerbeer? To the wary eye, it smacks of ethnic self-congratulation. One gifted Jew writes a piece, another publishes it, yet another reviews it favorably, a fourth sits at the box office counting out his money and a fifth takes his 10 percent as agent - an unconvincing proof that the nation of Mozart, Bach and Beethoven needed music lessons.

Gottlieb Daimler (1834-1900) and Karl Benz (1844-1929) invented the modern gasoline engine in 1878-1887. Other Germans took the lead in 19th-century chemistry and created the first contact lens (in the 1880s), X-rays (Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895), quantum physics (discovered in 1900 by Max Planck, 1858-1947), aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and last (and least), saccharin in 1913.

As for previous centuries, the Germans got no credit for inventing the croissant or "Kipferl," as the Germans call it, in Vienna to celebrate defeating the Turks in 1683; one notes the Turkish religious logo, the crescent (a baked good then snatched up by the French as the "croissant"). Equally, they receive zero credit for baking the first quiche, which in Lorraine and Rhinelander dialects ("Kisch") simply means "kitchen leftovers baked into a pie."

Baked goods aside, the facts reveal that the most creative period in world history may have been Germany between 1932 and 1945, and that much of America's scientific lead came from looting German patents by the ton, both in World War I and far more so after World War II.

And because Germany was so devastated after World War II, there has been a brain drain ever since of the top young German scientists - to Massachusetts and California for computers and genetics and to greater Los Angeles, Houston and Cape Canaveral for aerospace. As one German scientist remarked: "Since the war, we have not had the financing capabilities for basic research for the long-term future. That kind of serious money only the Americans have. In Germany, and in Japan, also, we do applied and clinical research for immediate applications. But to be on the cutting edge, the money and the positions are now in America and we have to go there. [1] 

An astounding admission of the stripping of German inventiveness after the war came in an October 1946 article by C. Lester Walker in Harper's magazine.

Entitled "Secrets by the Thousands," it presents some problems for the Bernt Engelmanns of this world who imply that German science in the 1932-45 period would have been "nothing without the Jews."
In every collection of Harper's - even that held in a prestigious university research library - the October 1946 issue is missing.

A coincidence?

Fortunately this document exists in cyber-space...

In fact, the article suggests in deadly seriousness that German Chancellor Adolf Hitler had been right, from his point of view, to prolong the war to the last gasp. According to the deputy commanding general of Army Air Forces Intelligence, Air Technical Service Command, in a speech to the American Society of Aeronautical Engineers:
The Germans were preparing rocket surprises for the whole world in general and England in particular which would have, it is believed, changed the course of the war if the invasion had been postponed for so short a time as half a year.
Even without its brilliant Jewish minority, the Germans',
"V-2 rocket which bombed London was just a toy compared to what the Germans had up their sleeve."
They had 138 types of guided missiles in various stages of production or development, using every kind of remote control device or fuse: radio, radar, wire-guided, continuous wave, acoustics, infrared, light beams and magnetism. And for power the Germans were years ahead in jet propulsion at both subsonic and supersonic speeds - even creating a "jet helicopter" wherein tiny jets spun the helicopter blade tips at blinding speeds.

Just as the war was ending, and President Franklin Roosevelt was ordering both Gens. George Patton and Dwight David Eisenhower to pull back and let "Uncle Joe" (Josef Stalin) have Berlin and Eastern Europe, the Germans had been readying their giant A-4 rocket for production.

Forty-six feet in length, it weighed over 24,000 pounds and could travel 230 miles - rising 60 miles over the earth to a blistering top speed of 3,375 miles per hour. Its secret was a rocket motor running on liquid nitrogen and alcohol. It was either radar controlled or self-guided by a gyroscope. Since it flew faster than the speed of sound (by many times), it could not be heard before it struck.

Another rocket in the works was the A-9, still bigger at 29,000 pounds and equipped with wings. It had a range of 3,000 miles. Manufactured at Peenemünde, it arced into the sky at an incredible 5,870 miles per hour.

Fritz Todt

(September 4, 1891 – February 8, 1942)

Todt first caught Hitler's attention in 1932 by emphasizing the importance of road building for national economic recovery. Following the appointment of Hitler as Reichskanzler on January 30, 1933, Todt became (in July) Generalinspektor für das deutsche Straßenwesen ("Inspector General for German Roadways") and was involved in the new construction company for the motorways (Reichsautobahnen). Every aspect of Autobahn construction -- its design, aesthetic ("to harmonize with the German landscape"), and model role in National Socialist labor relations -- was stamped with Todt's personality.

He later became Leiter des Hauptamts für Technik in der Reichsleitung der NSDAP ("Director of the Head Office for Engineering in the Administration of the Reich of the NSDAP") and Generalbevollmächtigter für die Regelung der Bauwirtschaft("General Commissioner for the Regulation of the Construction Industry").

As a special privilege, Todt was permitted to have considerable power and was not necessarily immediately answerable to any of the Reich ministries. He was also appointed to the rank of Generalmajor of the Luftwaffe after its official promulgation in March 1935.

In 1938, he founded the Organization Todt (OT), joining together government firms, private companies and the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service), for the construction of the "West Wall", later renamed the "Siegfried Line", for the defense of the Reich territory. With the outbreak of war, Todt's organization provided German troops an exemplary corps of engineers, filling out Germany's expanding imperium with new roads, bridges, aircraft fields, and fortifications.

On March 17, 1940, he was appointed Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition ("Reich Minister for Armaments and Munitions") and oversaw the work of Organisation Todt in the occupied west. After the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, he was appointed to manage the restoration of the infrastructure.

In 1941, he became increasingly distant from the commanders of the Wehrmacht and from Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, the Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe (Commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe) in particular. He did remain close to Hitler at this time, yet, after an inspection tour of the Eastern Front, he complained to him that, without better equipment and supplies for the armed forces, it would be better to end the war with the USSR. Inevitably, Hitler rejected such an assessment of the situation and carried on the offensive against the Soviets regardless.

On February 8, 1942, while flying away from the conclusion of a meeting with Hitler at the Wolfsschanze ("Wolf's Lair") at Rastenburg, his aircraft exploded and crashed. He was succeeded as Reichsminister by Albert Speer, who had narrowly missed being on the same aircraft. He was buried in the Invalidenfriedhof, located in the Scharnhorst-Strasse in Berlin and became the first holder, albeit posthumously, of the Deutscher Orden ("German Order"). It was even suggested that Todt was the victim of an assassination plot, but this has never been confirmed.

Speer recounted that the power-hungry but lazy Hermann Göring raced to Hitler's headquarters upon word of Todt's death, hoping to claim the office of Reichsminister for Armaments. Hitler instead presented Göring with the fait accompli of Speer's appointment.

Speer tried to put the German economy on a war footing comparable to that of the Allied nations, but found himself incessantly hindered by party politics and lack of cooperation from the Nazi hierarchy.

Nevertheless, by slowly centralizing almost all industry control and cutting through the dense bureaucracy, he succeeded in multiplying war production four times over the next two and a half years, and it reached its peak in 1944 during the height of the Allied strategic bombing campaign.

But most Americans know about German World War II rockets.

A few even know that in addition to the car engine the Germans also invented the jet and perfected the superhighway or Autobahn (the three most important inventions binding this vast country. Virtually no one knows that in Wright-Patterson Field in Ohio, in the Library of Congress and in the Department of Commerce in Washington, a "mother lode" of 1,500 tons of German patents and research papers were being mined furiously after the war.

One gloating Washington bureaucrat called it,
"the greatest single source of this type of material in the world, the first orderly exploitation of an entire country's brain power."
Fortunately, it was for the benefit of the United States, which, having thwarted Hitler's crusade against the Soviet Union, had to take up the same gauntlet against a communism spread worldwide by the late 1940s.

The genesis of the project to grab German secrets was in 1944, when, amazed by German technology in everything from rockets and jets to Tiger tanks, a Joint Intelligence Objectives committee was set up to confiscate German inventions the instant they were obtained, even before the surrender, for use against Japan.

Even before reaching the German border, fascinating discoveries began to be made, including one with which every American is familiar: audio tape.

The 1946 Harper's article shows the head of the Technical Industrial Intelligence Branch, in quaint excitement:
"...[p]ulling some brown, papery-looking ribbon off a spool. It was a quarter-inch wide, with a dull side and a shiny side. "That's Magnetophone tape," he said. [2] "It's plastic, metalized on one side with ferrous oxide. In Germany, that supplanted phonograph recordings. A day's radio program can be magnetized on one reel. [Then] you can demagnetize it, wipe it off, and put on a new program at any time. No needle, no noise or record wear. An hour-long reel costs 50 cents."
A Short History of Recording and Its Effects Upon Music by Michael Chanan [3] points out that even in the late 1920s, before the "12 darkest years of German history," [4] one Fritz Pfleumerhad developed a plastic recording tape. It was launched commercially by BASF [5] in 1934. The idea was based on the film strip, and its original application was for dictation in an office environment. In Britain, a project funded by the great radio genius Guglielmo Marconi was attempting the same thing. (On D-Day, the Americans played audio tapes of combat loudly at various locations to try to throw off the German defenders.)

However, the great leap forward came when one A. M. Poniatoff, president of a small California company called Ampex (a trade name still familiar to the older generation), then wearing a U.S. Army uniform, helped seize German-held Radio Luxembourg in late 1944. Instantly grasping the gold mine in profits and quality which the Magnetophone tape represented, Poniatoff had the 3M Company rush the new tape into American production, and it swept the Los Angeles entertainment industry.

Its major breakthrough came in 1947 when Bing Crosby first used it to record his network shows. The crooner not only preferred the Magnetophone sound but invested heavily in Ampex. Later, movie soundtracks went onto audio tape as well, improving mixing and dubbing efficiency as well, and avoiding the infuriating mishap where a successfully shot movie scene had to be retaken due to sound defects. Ampex later went on to introduce the first videotape recorders in 1956 (all now but a memory, sacrificed on the altar of free trade with Japan).

The list goes on and on: synthetic mica, which increased American cold steel production by 1,000 percent; "the secrets for 50,000 dyes, many of [which] are faster and better than ours, colors we were never able to make"; milk, butter and bread preservation without chemicals; and refrigeration and air-conditioning for German U-boats so efficient that their subs could cruise from the Atlantic to the Pacific, fight there for two months and return to Germany without having to take on fresh water for the crew. In addition, there was the pilot ejector seat, the infrared rifle scope, and even the negative-air ionizer, which many Americans use for the fresh feeling it puts in the air, with claims of reduced blood pressure, allergy and asthma symptoms.

In addition to official government looting of Germany (what GIs always called "liberating"), there was also the personal looting bonanza exemplified by Robert Maxwell, financier extraordinaire, and at one time the most hated man in Britain. The great contribution of this Orthodox Jewish citizen, born Jan Hoch in what was then Czechoslovakia, was to found a scientific publishing empire in Britain, called Pergamon Press, based entirely on German research he had looted with British intelligence connivance.

Maxwell came to dominate the British tabloid press and raided his own employees' pension fund to the tune of 90 million pounds. He finally perished mysteriously and nakedly in a plunge from his yacht in 1991 just a week after standing up to the Israeli secret police, the Mossad - who may have set him up in business in the first place. Interestingly, his main co-conspirator in the United States, Robert Rubin, formerly of Goldman Sachs, is now secretary of the treasury [6].

When not gunning down a surrendering German mayor armed only with a white flag (as he boasted in a Der Spiegel interview) or bribing British officers to invent his heroic war record (for which war record Montgomery personally pinned a medal on him), Maxwell/Hoch [7] was in the British Zone of Berlin in 1946 with the full backing of British intelligence, coercing the vast research findings of the Springer science publishing house from Springer's widow for pence on the pound.

Ultimately, after Maxwell stripped $94 million from the pension funds of the 5,000 employees of the Mirror Group, his U.S. financiers at Goldman Sachs were stripped of an estimated $250 million to settle their claims - whereupon Maxwell's body was fished from the sea by an astonished Spaniard, to be buried with full honors in Israel and hopefully forgotten. Far from exemplifying that the Germans were nothing without Jewish scientific help, his life suggested that one Jew could become a billionaire exploiting German ideas.

Which raises the justifiable question of the atom bomb, which European Jews did produce for America and German scientists did not provide in time for Germany.

In his magisterial Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler ("Conspiracy and Treason Against Hitler"), [8] Gen. Otto Ernst Remer details how anti-Hitler elements in the German scientific community maneuvered their own Werner Carl Heisenberg (b. 1901) into the key uranium-developing program at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (now succeeded by the Max Planck Institute of Physics). His clear mission, proudly proclaimed after World War II, [9] was to bureaucratically delay the German A-bomb project until the Allies had won the war. [10] 

As just one example, munitions minister Albert Speer pleaded with Heisenberg and his fellow conspirator von Weizsäcker (brother of a later West German president) to name whatever money or materials they required after they claimed they had been held up by shortages. Von Weizsäcker's reply asking for "40,000 marks" caused Speer to stare in amazement, and to later confess that he had himself planned to propose 100 million marks for starters.

Not only did Heisenberg state explicitly to Der Spiegel,
"We never tried to produce any atomic bombs and we are glad not to be responsible for having made any," he also admitted leaking the latest information on German uranium-splitting research to the half-Jewish Danish scientist Niels Bohr, who promptly informed his racial confreres in the U.S.
Thus, Germany did not lack the bomb because it lacked Jews, but rather because a handful of key scientists hostile to Hitler wormed their way into the German atomic program. Heisenberg had even admitted to a shocked Luftwaffe audience in 1942, after the devastating British 1,000-bomber annihilations of the port cities of Kiel and Lübeck, that Germany could produce a bomb with material "the size of a banana" (gesturing with his hands) to wipe out an entire enemy city, but then he caught himself and said this of course would be economically impossible. [11] 

One of Gen. Remer's most interesting assertions is that just as the Americans were racing in the final days to convert German inventions for use against Japan, Hitler was sending a U-Boat packed with secrets to that same nation at Emperor Hirohito's explicit request.

In Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler, Remer first notes the criticism that propaganda minister Josef Göbbels had received for his "stand-fast, the miracle weapons are coming" message after Stalingrad.

Ironically, while many of these weapons came too late to save Germany from its fate of occupation, government decapitation and dismemberment, Remer reports that a member of U-234 sent him the following:
In the spring of 1945 I was ordered to report to serve on U-234. The sub was a specially redesigned former mine layer of the type XB with 1,760 tons, 4,200 horsepower and a 52-man crew.
The commander was [a] Capt. Fehler.

On March 23, 1945 the boat steamed out of Kiel toward southern Norway unsubmerged. On April 15, 1945 it dove at South Christians and with an immediate goal of proceeding between Iceland and the Faroe Islands. The destination was Japan.

Our orders stated that we were to bring air force Gen. Kessler as a Luftwaffe attaché with his staff and technicians to Tokyo. The [emperor] had asked us to help build up Japan's air defenses with the weapons developed in Germany.

Also on board to this end were, besides the general, two air force officers, a navy anti-aircraft specialist, an underwater demolitions specialist, a low-frequency specialist from the staff of Prof. Küpfmüller as well as two Messerschmitt engineers (specialists for the construction of Me-262s) [12] and two Japanese frigate captains. One of them was [a] Capt. Tomonaga, who had collaborated with us in his capacity as a specialist for one-man torpedoes [13] when we were developing our own small combat boats.

Our cargo consisted of 12 steel cylinders, of the sort used for storing in mines, containing comprehensive microfilm material on the latest developments in German offensive and defensive weaponry, especially in rocket and rocket defense [anti-rocket rockets; TBR ed.] warfare, as well as our research findings in the areas of high- and low-frequency technology, and finally a decisive contribution to the development of nuclear energy and atomic warfare.

After passing through the Straits of Iceland and 28 days submerged at an average depth of 260 feet, a message reached us in the night of the 12th to the 13th of May [14] during snorkel travel, in which Grand Admiral [KarlDönitz ordered us to capitulate. At this point in time we were located in the middle of the Atlantic, southeast of the banks of Newfoundland.

The order to our captain was couched in a very personal tone, telling him to hand the U-boat over without destroying its valuable cargo. [15] After 12 hours of debate and reflection, Capt. Fehler decided in harmony with Gen. Kessler and after informing the two Japanese frigate captains that he would be carrying out Dönitz's order and surface to surrender. The two Japanese officers took their own lives before the boat surfaced.

Eight hours later, U-234 was taken as a prize of war by the American destroyer Sutton and brought to the U.S. Navy base at Portland, Maine.

The American officers and officials who subsequently interrogated us were evidently horrified over the contents of our U-boat. They criticized us for supposedly having no idea how valuable our cargo was. At the end of July 1945 the officer in charge of the investigation team declared to me that the microfilm evidence and the testimony of our technicians had proved that in decisive technical developments, we were "100 years" ahead of the United States.

Which raises the nagging question of where all these continual "UFO" sightings come from, which began a few short years after World War II - and the capture of German high tech. The same government which gave us the Warren Commission cover-up, the public silent treatment of the Israeli assault on the USS Liberty, [16] and a blithe nonchalance about the social significance of the Black/White/Asian racial differences proven in the best-selling Harvard study The Bell Curve, seems anxious to keep the public in the dark about all such "unconfirmed" sightings. [17]

It is at least interesting that it was just two years after the seizure of "50 tons" [18] of German aerospace and physics papers that the first major UFO story, the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico incident, broke.

After all, what has fascinated researchers ever since (particularly government skeptics monitoring Area 51 at Groom Lake, north of Las Vegas) is things the Germans were working on: spacecraft which use new, tough, but lightweight materials, make 180 degree turns at Mach 4 without spilling the drinks and generally defy the laws of gravity, perhaps by the use of gyroscopes within gyroscopes.

It is well known that the German SS sent expeditions to Tibet, reputedly a land of mind-over-matter marvels - in the late 1930s. [19] The purpose was both to delve into evidence of Indo-European origins in the Himalayas and secret techniques used there, possibly including anti-gravity levitation. What ties this together with Europe, ancient America and Egypt is the finding of blond mummies or Nordic remains in or near many sites of architectural miracles.

As anyone who has seen the excellent programs on Egypt on the cable History Channel, can testify, both the people living in ancient Egypt and the rulers of Macchu Picchu were doing virtually gravity-defying feats in constructing their pyramids and temples.

One can only speculate as to what secrets the Germans may have revived or discovered anew during the Third Reich, and which are now being utilized by the current government in Washington. It is well known from excavations of blond mummies in Egypt and in South America by Thor Heyerdahl as well as the statements of Mexican Emperor Montezuma (welcoming the Spanish "back" as their fabled "white gods") that some sort of ancient white scientists or advanced physicists were involved with the origins of these cultures.

Even the Chinese admit the existence of red-haired, blue-eyed tribes constantly infiltrating into ancient China (of which pictorial evidence is presented in a recent National Geographic). The great teacher Confucius himself (roughly 551-479 B.C.), of the noble K'ung family, was said to be a man of unusually tall stature for a Chinese, and Genghis Khan (A.D. 1167-1227), the Mongol conqueror, had red hair and green eyes.

But the historical blackout continues. The government appears to be willing to hint that "aliens" from outer space are behind all this high tech.

God forbid it should turn out that ancient Indo-Europeans were doing these things thousands of years ago, or especially Germans researching without the benefit of the Jews in the Third Reich.

Related Agarthans or ETs? | Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials or Ancient Breakaway Civilization Humans From Inner Earth?

[1] In Anton Zischka's Und war es ein Wunder ("And It Was a Miracle") we read:
"If the surely not oversensitive Nazis had retired [with pension!] a total of 1,628 professors when they took power, the victims of the [Allied] anti-Nazis numbered no less than 4,289 professors and instructors, who received no pension whatsoever. As the newspaper Christ und Welt calculated in 1950, the Nazis dismissed 9.8 percent of their university teaching staff, the Allies 32.1 percent. Almost every third German professor lost his teaching or research post through the will of the victors. In Germany as a whole it was every second professor... In accordance with Control Commission Directive No. 24 of January 1, 1946, a total of 373,762 persons were found inappropriate for any public service or economic activity above that of manual laborer." Quoted in Remer, Otto Ernst, Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler ("Conspiracy and Treason against Hitler"). See below (Note 9).
[2] Magnétophone is still the French word for an audiotape player.

[3] London, Verso Publishing, 1995.

[4] The mantra-like phrase every modern German schoolchild learns about the Hitler period.

[5] A German chemical giant, which nowadays has a large plant for adhesives and audiotape in North Carolina.

[6] See Maxwell articles in The Spotlight newspaper of Nov. 18, 1991; May 16, 1994; April 10 and May 1, 1995; and Feb. 3, 1997.

[7] And, briefly, Du Maurier, after a popular cigarette.

[8] Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler, Urteil des Frontsoldaten ("Judgement by a front-line soldier"), Otto Ernst Remer, general, retired, Verlag K. W. Schütz, Preussisch Oldendorf, 1981. Remer was a highly decorated combat officer, a ramrod straight old-style Prussian. Bearer of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (personally presented to him by Hitler), he instantly thwarted the July 20, 1944 officers' putsch against Hitler once he had heard Hitler's voice on the phone stating that he was alive and how to proceed. After the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, he founded the highly popular Socialist German Reich Party (13 percent of the vote), which the Allies banned. He had to flee Germany in the early 1990s and died in Spanish political exile in 1996.

[9] Der Spiegel, Nov. 24, 1952.

[10] No more unbelievable than people calling themselves "Americans" parading the streets of Washington, D.C. during time of war in 1968, screaming: "Ho! Ho! Ho Chi Minh! Viet Cong are gonna win!"

[11] Remer .

[12] The German 500-mph fighter-bomber.

[13] One intact example of such a manned torpedo may be seen at the Mystic Seaport museum in Connecticut.

[14] After the German surrender and the arrest of all its officials, including Hitler's successor, Grand Admiral von Dönitz

[15] Dönitz, who had been chosen as successor by Hitler because of his immaculate war record as well as his genuine National Socialist leanings, apparently felt that whatever his admiration for the fighting Japanese people, it would be better that the Americans get these secrets for use against the Soviets than for their ally (who had not notified Berlin before she attacked Pearl Harbor) to receive them in an obviously losing cause.

[16] U.S. Navy officers seem well aware of this outrage. The author spoke with a Navy captain (and, coincidentally, Mayflower descendant), who waved his hand and said, "Don't get me started."

[17] Which is the same as "unconfirmed sightings" of Vietnam-era American POWs, and the standard operating procedure when the Pentagon, CIA or White House has something to hide: "We will neither confirm nor deny..."

[18] Walker

[19] In fact, one expedition was trivialized into a movie, Seven Years in Tibet, about the real SS man Heinrich Harrer - played by Brad Pitt - and a young Dalai Lama.

"Captured" German and Japanese Information and Know-How

Following the advancing Allied Troops into France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and, later, Japan, teams of military and industrial specialists came right on the heels of the combat units to collect documents and study German and Japanese military and industrial developments that had produced some of the major weapons used by the enemies especially towards the end of the war: the jet engine, the V-1 and V-2 rockets, high-speed aircraft, remotely guided mini-tanks to destroy combat tanks, one- and two-man kamikaze U-boats, and many more.

Worse, there was talk of the existence of flying saucers, atomic bombs, chemical and biological ammunition, and other miracle weapons which Hitler or the Japanese were going to use during the end-phase of the fighting in order to wrest victory from the Allied Forces.

The more desperate the situation became for the Axis Powers, the weirder the schemes that came to light: there was talk, for example, that the Japanese were building mini-bombers which could be stored on U-boats and thus transported close to the Central American mainland.

Re-assembled on board and launched from the boat, these bombers were to destroy in a suicide mission, the gates of the Panama Canal and thus interrupt the shipping of essential war materials and supplies from the factories of the eastern United States to the Pacific theater of war. The American and British teams of military and industrial specialists following the combat troops were charged to find out what was actually there and what could, reasonably, be expected to happen. This was, by no means, a safe and pleasant job.

Most of the 'targets' had, more or less, been subjected to bombing or devastated during the fighting; the Germans were still counter-attacking; there were mines and unexploded ammunition everywhere; and the just 'liberated ' Germans were not always friendly or co-operating. Some of the intelligence men lost their lives or were wounded and all were living and working under conditions that were not better than those for the soldiers.

But why the hurry, could this information gathering not have taken place later?

One reason why not was the lack of intelligence concerning the state of atomic bomb development in Germany. The Allies did not know that Hitler, not wanting, or not being able to recognize the revolutionary potential of atomic weapons, did not favor, and, therefore, support financially, the development of these bombs on the level that would have assured success.

There was also talk later on that German physicists like Werner Heisenberg and Otto Hahn, and their staffs, who had been in the forefront of atomic research prior to the war, were hesitant to deliver the all-destructive power of the atom into the Führer's hands and kept stalling. Furthermore, some of the most brilliant minds had left Germany and Europe for the United States during Hitler's persecution of the Jews and were now working for the Allies.

True or false: the West did not know what was really going on and how far the German research had advanced literally until the last days of the conflict when, with the capture of Heisenberg, they finally could breathe easier.

What was known to the Allies was that the German chemists had developed highly toxic and deadly gases and biological cultures, that these were already being used to kill Jews and other 'undesirables' by the thousands, and that there would be a good chance that Hitler would use these poisons at the end of the war to destroy his enemies and what was left of his own people. To secure and study these weapons and, possibly, find antidotes, was another reason for the rapid deployment of the intelligence troops.

Thirdly, it was expected that the war against Japan, especially following the Allied invasion of the Japanese homeland, would be a bitterly fought and long-lasting battle costing many casualties on both sides. Where there any weapons in the German arsenal that could be quickly adapted for use against the Japanese?

Finally, the development of German miracle weapons had to be based on advances in research and development by Germany's industry and research facilities from basic to advanced levels and the results of that research had to be made available to American and Allied companies for their exploitation and use, especially during the period of conversion from wartime to peacetime economy.
The Collectors

The teams collecting military and industrial information and documents were made up of small groups of military and/or industrial specialists, working independently. They were recruited from military or Government laboratories and from American and British companies and were experts in their fields. Knowing the state of development in their specialties in their own countries, they were able to judge whether German development was superior, inferior, or just useful.

All teams reported to their own field agencies; their reports were generally classified "secret" until after the capitulation of Germany and of Japan respectively.

There seems to have been little coordination or cooperation between the individual agencies and, to the dismay of German factory owners and what was left of their technical staffs, many of the targets were visited by several teams and more than once, and, what one team left behind, the others took.

The most important agencies working in Germany and their 'fields of interest' were the following: (1)
  • OSS, the Office of Strategic Services - identified targets of strategic and industrial importance and provided this information to other agencies which then sent investigative teams.
  • EEIS, the Enemy Equipment Intelligence Service - actually located German and Japanese equipment, such as new aircraft, tanks, binoculars, ammunition, metalworking equipment, etc. for evaluation and to instruct Allied personnel in its use. Later, the staff was used to evaluate German industrial equipment in general.
  • ALSOS Mission - This group, composed of military and counter-intelligence specialists was charged with a specific mission: to determine the state of atomic bomb development in Germany.
  • FIAT, the Field Intelligence Agency, Technical - was established to investigate German industrial development during 1939 - 1945 primarily in the American Occupation Zone. Headquartered in Frankfurt, it was the 'collecting' arm of the Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee (TIIC).
  • CIOS, the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee - was made up of American and British specialists to examine German industrial targets. The reports issued by this group are the CIOS and JIOA (Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency) document series.
  • TIIB, the Technical Industrial Intelligence Branch (later: TIICTechnical Industrial Intelligence Committee) - was established as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff but transferred to the Department of Commerce in January 1946. Its task was to look into every segment of the German industrial landscape and obtain any information that might be of interest to American companies.

    During 1946 TIIB sent over 400 investigators into Germany. Many of these industrial experts traveled at their company's expense, sworn in as temporary Government employees without compensation. TIIB arranged with the Army for their transportation and for their living and working quarters in Germany.

    In return, the investigators agreed that their findings would be fully reported in writing to TIIB and that these reports would be made public.

    To make sure that individual investigators did not use information obtained from German companies for their own or their company's exclusive use, two men from competing companies were teamed up. Furthermore, the reports submitted were reviewed for completeness by TIIB staff and the American military government.

    Overall, TIIB staff selected from the 3.5 billion pages collected from the files of German industry about 3.5 million which were considered of interest to United States industry. The documents chosen were filmed in Germany, the rest were left there. In addition, TIIB brought more than 300,000 pounds of German equipment and product samples from Germany, in addition to the 200 tons of materials captured by the Army and Navy, which was also turned over to civilian agencies for study and testing after the military had completed its studies (2).

    Navy Technical Mission, Europe (Japan) - original a portion of the ALSOS Mission, was assigned to investigate German (and Japanese) advances in synthetic fuels and lubricants of interest to the Navy. U.S. Naval Technical Oil Mission in Europe: Production of Synthetic Fuels by the Hydrogenation of Solid and Liquid Carbonaceous Materials (PB 27701).
  • TOM (Technical Oil Mission) - A non-military group sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, was made up of American and British petroleum experts and charged with investigating the industrial production of synthetic fuels and lubricants from coal using the Fischer-Tropsch method. The Bureau and American industry actually built petroleum manufacturing plants according to German specifications after the war, but the glut of petroleum available then made the program uneconomical.

    In the 1970's, however, faced with a petroleum embargo, the Republic of South Africa developed the SASOL synthetic petroleum plant using the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Working under different economic constellations, it is still in operation today. U.S. Government Technical Oil Mission. Index. Microfilm. Reel.... (LC call number: Z6972.U6)
The Documents Research Center, A-2, United States Air Forces in Europe - was,
"organized for the purpose of collecting and processing all captured German air documents. The organization was moved to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, in 1946 where the project is being continued by the Air Documents Division, Intelligence, T-2. While the Research Center was still in Europe it was estimated that between 1,000 and 1,500 tons of German air documents eventually would be collected.

The final screened library, however, and the collection which is now at Wright Field consists of approximately 220 tons. These documents are in the process of being cataloged, indexed, abstracted, translated and analyzed." (3)
  • The Library of Congress was to have received a complete copy of the filmed material but only about one third of the total output was sent. The archival copy was turned over by the Air Force to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and can be consulted at its Garber Facility in Suitland, MD. The copy retained by the Library of Congress cannot be used in modern reader-printers which tear the microfilm copies into small segments.

    All books and journals from the same haul were turned over by the Air Force to the Library of Congress where they were examined and new items incorporated into the general collections. Duplicates were made available to other libraries or discarded, if not claimed. The reports are indexed in a multi-volume Desk Catalog of German and Japanese Air-Technical Documents (Z5063.A1U6). Some of the air documents were also made available to the Publication Board of the Department of Commerce, re-issued and made available to the public as PB documents.

  • The United States Strategic Bombing Survey - studied the effectiveness of the Allied bombing effort on targets in Germany, as well as German-occupied France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
  • The Library of Congress Foreign Mission - was sent to gather books and journals published in Germany (and the rest of Europe) and not available for purchase through normal channels once the war had been declared.

    Up to that point German literature could still be obtained either directly from the sources or by way of neutral countries (Sweden).

The Targets

Any company having in some form contributed to the German war effort (and who had not, no matter how large and small) or having research information or products that would be of interest to Allied manufacturers, was considered a 'target'. Much information on German industries had already been compiled and made available to the Allied air armies by the United States intelligence agencies.

Further targets were research institutes, universities, military laboratories, testing ranges and supply depots, Government agencies like the Reichsforschungsrat (The National Research Council), even concentration camps (sites of medical research using humans as test objects), the Reichspatentamt (Patent Office), the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (Air Force Ministry), theWehrmachtwaffenamt (Army Weapons Agency), their subordinate departments, research/test facilities, etc...

It was not always easy to find the targets - many had been destroyed by bombing or during combat, their documents burned, looted, removed for or from safe storage; owners, managers, scientific personnel killed, drafted into the armed forces, dispersed, relocated; roads and rail lines impassible; the population frightened, uncooperative, hostile:
'After what you have done to us, why should we give you our family- company- and commercial secrets? They belong to us, we will need them to rebuild...'
In other cases people cooperated willingly, often for the chance of getting food, cigarettes.

Sometimes several visits and some arm-twisting was needed to get the Germans to deliver documents, information, and sometimes it just took a good dose of Yankee ingenuity. Theodore von Karman, a world famous aeronautical scientist, who was a member of one of the teams looking for information on German experimental aircraft, describes his experiences at an aeronautical research facility near Braunschweig that had escaped Allied detection and bombing because it was so well camouflaged that nobody knew it existed.

The team had gone through the trashed, chaotic laboratories, looking, but finding very little, when, suddenly, on a desk in a corner someone noticed a scale model of the swept-wing bomber, a type of aircraft that nobody had ever seen before. They reasoned that were there was a model, there must also be documentation, like wind tunnel, testing, and design data. But no matter where they looked and whom they interrogated, the records could not be located.

Finally von Karman, who had been a student at nearby Göttingen University before the war, resorted to a ruse:
I had with me a sergeant assigned to Intelligence. Frank Tchitcherine was of Russian origin, and in fact had been related to the first minister of education in the Kerensky government of Russia.
As we were walking to our automobile with the director, I said in English, which I knew the director understood:
'Listen, Tchitcherine, we are through here. I think now it is time to notify Russian Intelligence to take over'
Russian Intelligence was nowhere in the vicinity. But I knew that the Germans were terrified of the Russians and that this might stir them into action. I was right. The next day the director called in Tchitcherine and took him to a dry well. He looked inside. It was full of documents.

Among them were the papers describing the sweptback wing and providing considerable wind-tunnel data which showed clearly that the sweptback plane had superior speed properties near the speed of sound. These data were the first of its kind. Schairer quickly wrote to his Boeing associates to stop work on the Mach 1 transonic plane with the straight wing which they had designed, telling them of his find. He microfilmed the data and used them when he got back to Seattle to design the B-47, the first U.S. sweptback bomber....

In going through the papers, Ted Toller, one of my former assistants who was on a committee involved with these documents, came to me one day and said that he had found a very interesting report. The title, as translated by the English-speaking German sergeant, was 'The Resistance of Undernourished Bodies.' Troller wondered what this title was doing in a collection of aerodynamics material. So he looked up the author and found it was von Karman.

It was a translation of my 1931 paper 'The Drag on Slender Bodies'.
"The documents revealed that the Germans had conducted a variety of interesting research at Braunschweig. For instance, they had run studies of the effect of wind on human beings and shown that the human being can take velocities up to 550 miles an hour. They also had developed an emergency pressure suit fixed up with a cylinder of oxygen like those used in USAF life rafts. If a plane flying at 70,000 feet loses pressure, the pilot can jerk a ribbon and re-pressurize himself. All these items were valuable to the United States." (4)

 The Loot

I am not sure that there was, in the end, an exact accounting of how many documents/pages were taken from Germany, or if that was at all possible. Some documents contained more than 1,000 pages, others, like patent applications, only one.

Von Karman, in the source already cited goes on to say that,
"some 3,000,000 documents, weighing 1,500 tons were sifted and microfilmed in Europe; eventually they formed the basis for the collections of ASTIA, the Armed Services Technical Information Agency," the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC).
The Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce for 1946 (5) talks about 3,500,000 pages that TIIB selected. If one adds the documents brought to the United States and processed at Wright Field, and those deposited at the Library of Congress, then the number of pages becomes astronomical.

I remember that when I came to the Library in 1957, there were large green boxes, 'footlockers' 8 feet long, stored, to the very ceilings, in the hallways and vestibules of the 4th floor of the Adams Building, containing documents to be processes by the Air Information and Air Technology Divisions under contract to the Air Force. One day they were gone - "shipped back to Germany" and soon AID and ATD were abolished also.

In addition to corporate papers, there were interviews with plant/laboratory personnel, photographs, blueprints, patents and patent applications (the Secretary of Commerce talks of thousands of applications obtained from the files of the giant I.G.Farben complex alone which had not even been filed with the Reichspatentamt because of staff shortages everywhere) and much more. From these mountains of materials the industrial teams prepared summary reports some up to 1,000 pages thick.

To give an idea of the coverage it is interesting to look at just a small selection of the important new discoveries which they contained:
One of the best customers for German technical information were the American aircraft and airline industries.
In addition to general studies of the German air transport industry (PB 17920, 19717), there are studies on:
  • 'Plastics in the Aircraft Industry' (PB 1104, 4351, 27000, 58373)
  • 'Aircraft Hydraulic and Fuel Systems' (PB 16684)
  • 'Magnetic Brakes for Propellers (PB 464, 4349)
  • 'Helicopters' (PB 6339, 6340, 16712, 17544)
  • 'De-icing of Windshields' (PB462, 23815, 23856, 31251, 40292, 58242)
Then there are numerous reports:
  • Reports on rocket fuels (PB186, 392, 405, 4284, 23815, etc). In terms of military aircraft two reports are of interest: The Horton Tail-less Aircraft (PB 260) possibly a forerunner of the stealth bomber, and German High-Speed Airplanes and Design Development (CIOS XXXI-3).
  • In the area of construction the Germans were forced, because of the devastating success of Allied bombings, to put their most important factories underground. Immense tunnels running for miles under the Harz Mountains in Thuringia were built by slave labor from the nearby Buchenwald concentration camp at a horrendous cost in human lives to house whole synthetic fuel refineries as well as aircraft and rocket assembly lines.

  • Obviously, such underground installations and their ventilation, heating and cooling, sanitation, etc. systems were of great interest to the Bureau of Mines and the mining industries, as well as the Defense Department, which was preparing abandoned mines as 'safe places' for high Government officials in case of future wars. (PB 25638, 25639, 27779).
  • Acetylene is one of the most versatile intermediates for the generation of synthetic rubbers, plastics (vinyl), and industrial alcohols, plus many other compounds. It is also highly explosive so that its generation, transport and use must be subject to very strict controls. German industry, depending greatly on acetylene, devoted much energy and research to making it safe and expanding its use. (PB 188, 189, 377, 485, 517, 969, 1017, 4287, 7745, 7747, 23750, 25560, 28556, 44943, 46966).
  • Germany has not been blessed with significant oil deposits; to fuel her war machine she depended on imports from the Soviet Union and Rumania. When these sources were lost, she had to rely on synthetic fuel derived from her rich coal reserves. The process, called the Fischer-Tropsch Process, uses water gas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide derived from the hydrogenation of coal, coke, or lignite and extra hydrogen over catalysts at elevated pressures and temperature to generate straight-chain hydrocarbons and waxes which can be further processed to yield fuels, lubricants, facts, even some type of margarine. (PB 284, 288, 289, 373, 1279, 1291, 7745, 7917, 12624, 18911, 18926, 23750, 28883, 46390, 49196, 66130, 75817, 75845, 77706, 78242)
  • Plastics and synthetic fibers have always spawned successful industries in Germany. Here are just a few examples of many reports published in these areas: 'Plastic Plants' (PB 400, 403, 531, 979, 1069, 25642, 37784); 'Chemical Developments in the Synthetics Industry' (PB 1243); 'Soda Ash and Caustic Soda' (PB 7746, 7797, 27434, 40122); 'Dyestuff Intermediates' (PB 82, 60945, 67569, 77672, 78269, 78276)
  • Solid fuels: Germany always has had enormous supplies of coal in the Ruhr and, after the annexation of portions of Poland in 1939, also control over the Upper Silesia coal deposits. Improving the technologies of mining and processing coal was important for the war effort (PB 1827, 4322, 4323, 4345, 4461, 4462, 20579).
  • Sulfonamide: In wars past more soldiers died of infections of their wounds than in actual combat. With the beginning of the 20th century, great strides were made in the development of sanitary methods and anti-bacterial agents. German doctors, chemists and pharmacists had always been in the forefront of medical research. The development of sulfonamide was no exception (that it was tested on human guinea pigs in the concentration camps is another chapter). (PB 237, 248, 918, 77766, 80380 with 10 supplements)
  • One of the most dreaded diseases was malaria and research to find effective drugs was really universal. The German effort , except for the test methods, was significant (PB 237, 239, 246, 1101, 1718, 1859, 81613)
  • Some of the most cruel experiments were performed in the field of aviation medicine by the infamous SS-doctor Sigismund Rascher at Dachau Concentration Camp. Simulating conditions experienced by a pilot shot down over the North Atlantic, he subjected inmates to exposure to cold by immersing them in ice water to find out how long they could survive and possibly have a chance for being rescued (PB250). Another experiment involved pilots at high, oxygen-poor altitudes - when should they pull the cord to inflate the parachute and how long could they free-fall before losing consciousness? (same report).
  • Metallurgists in Germany were far ahead of their American counter-parts in the field of magnesium and magnesium alloy production and processing; the reports were much in demand by American companies (PB 204, 18930, 18948, 29663, 23748, 44675, 49828, 94315)
One curiosity is reported in the literature that simply begs to be repeated: Among all these high-technology, war-related products and efforts, there appears a lonely teddy bear and other stuffed toy animals manufactured by the Steiff Company, which was the target investigated by a British specialist on behalf of a British manufacturer.Evaluating the Loot

The activities of FIAT and the 'acquisition' of German industrial know-how are best described in a unique book by John Gimbel: "Science, Technology, and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany." It is 'must-reading' for anybody studying or interested in the years immediately following World War II in Europe. It is the only attempt, to my knowledge, of reporting the efforts of trying to put a price tag on what was taken.

In summary, Gimbel refers to a meeting early in 1947 in Moscow of the Council of Foreign Ministers, established by the victorious nations to deal with problems arising from inter-zonal relations and the question of German reparations.

Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minister,
"argued the case of his government's claim against Germany for 10 billion dollars in reparations, reportedly stating that Great Britain and the United States had already received considerable reparations from Germany in the form of patents and other technical know-how. 'Press reports say that these reparations amount to more than ten billion dollars' Molotov said" (6)
(In true Soviet fashion, and true to the old Communist maxim that 'what is yours is mine and what is mine is none of your business' Molotov did not mention that the Soviet Union had already taken from her occupation zone literally everything that was not nailed down, and if it had been, they took that and the nails, too. For example, the Russians dismantled vast stretches of the rail system in East Germany, the locomotives, passenger- and freight cars, the rails, the ties upon which the rails rested, and then the gravel upon which the ties had been laid).
"General Marshall", Gimbel continues, "the American Foreign Minister, in response stated: 'We have used United States scientists to obtain information on German science, including patents, all of which information is being published in pamphlets and made available to the rest of the world.

As a matter of fact, Amtorg, the Soviet Purchasing Agency in the United States, has been so far the biggest single purchaser of these pamphlets. The pamphlets cost a nominal fee to cover printing and administrative expenses. No ten billion in reparations is involved." (7)
But once raised, the question of the value of the German industrial information obtained by Britain and the United States would not go away. Early estimates ranged from $10 million to $275 million. It was General Lucius Clay, the American High Commissioner in Germany, who kept on raising the question and prod the War-, Navy-, State-, and Commerce Departments to come up with a 'realistic' figure.

General Clay was not against the official position of the United States that America should not pay the Germans for the industrial know-how taken; on the other hand he felt strongly that the value of this information should be counted towards the reparations that would be imposed by the victors on the Germans. Years of political maneuvering between the U.S. Government departments involved produced no results.

The Departments of the Army and the Navy did submit data; Commerce declined, saying that the true value could only be assessed five to ten years down the road when it became known what American industry had done with the information; State refused to comply outright saying,
"that such an evaluation would serve no practical purpose except 'to keep the American conscience clean'... The FIAT material should not be valued for reparation purposes.

The discussants had essentially three reasons:
  1. First, given the hundreds of tons of documents and materials held by the Commerce Department, the task of sorting and evaluating separate items with the staff that could be assigned to it would be physically impossible.
  2. Second, the material was not only for the United States, and it would be doubtful that other countries would agree to charge their reparations accounts similarly.
  3. Third, reparations was an integral concern and properly the subject of an international agreement." (8)
John Gimbel tried to make his own evaluation of the know-how taken from Germany. Using statements made in public or in writing by U.S. Government officials and industrialists directly involved in evaluating and/or using the information contained in the German documents, as well as reports from the political and trade press, he arrived at a value of $ 5 billion for the U.S. take.

By doubling this value to account for the British 'acquisitions' he arrived at - surprise! - the $10 billion mentioned by Mr. Molotov.

But this did not conclude the question of the value of the intellectual know-how derived from German industry. In late 1946 and early 1947 various German initiatives were started to evaluate the German losses. Up to this point the Germans had only been repaid for copying costs of the documents, obviously a ridiculously low sum. But the German efforts also failed as most companies, even those hardest hit, refused to cooperate for tax reasons. In other attempts the reported data could not be reduced to common denominators to yield meaningful results.

Only after the new West German Government had agreed to forego any tax investigations that might evolve from the reporting, did industry finally comply.

A report, issued by the Notgemeinschaft für Reparationsgeschädigte Industrie (Emergency Union of Industries Damaged by Reparations) in February 1951,
"estimated the total value of the patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property ('geistiges Gut') removed from Germany to be somewhere in the range of 10 to 30 billion Deutschmarks (DM) not Reichsmark, the currency used in Germany prior to its devaluation of 1949, or between $4.8 and $12 billion" (9)
What was the actual value?

If we consider that the Library of Congress still receives requests for copies of the German materials, more than 50 years after the War, primarily in the areas of dyestuffs, plastics, fuels, and, more recently, for the location of industries, test ranges for guns and ammunition, storage depots of chemical, biological, and explosive weapons (for the purpose of localizing and sanitizing toxic soils) then, maybe, the Commerce Department was right when it insisted that the value should be based on the usefulness and actual use by American industry over an extended period of time?

Other Foreign Documents

Obviously, the main interest in foreign information was concentrated on the German collection: its size, the immediacy of collecting and processing, the language (many American scientists and engineers still had studied German in college), the fact that German industry before the war had been a main competitor of many American companies, and that the Germans were renowned for the quality of their research.

This also explains why Germany was investigated so thoroughly.

From the very beginning, the situation involving Japanese information was different: not many people could read Japanese and the systematic investigation of Japanese industries did not begin until much later, giving the Japanese industrialists a chance to sort out what they wanted to give and what not. Also, as the mountains of German documents, along with materials from U.S. and British sources started to pile up, the Japanese documents were somewhat neglected.

In his Annual Report for 1947 the Secretary of Commerce stated:
In addition to data from Germany, and documents from American sources, the (Bibliographic and Reference) Division (of the Office of Technical Services) is beginning to receive materials directly from Japan. Some of it consists of up-to-date technological studies prepared by Japanese nationals on subjects of interest to American industry.
Many wartime and pre-war Japanese publications have also been received during the past year from the Washington Document Center. This Center is the Washington processing office which was set up to handle materials gathered in Japan by the military forces. Although much material has already been received, a large part of it is now out of date and of little value.

We have been assured, however, that valuable documents from this source will reach us during the coming year. (10)

The Secretary continues:
The Belgian Government has voluntarily contributed scientific reports to the Division. In addition, extremely important material has been received from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, South Africa, Italy, and France.... The excellent relations which OTS through this Division, has had with the British in the exchange of reports is noteworthy.

At present the British Intelligence Objective Subcommittee, commonly known as BIOS, maintains a liaison office in Washington. Our work with this office might well be cited as a fine example of international cooperation. The British have generously provided large quantities of their printed reports and with single microfilm copies of any of their manuscript reports which were requested. They also provide a special reference service for this Office and for American business firms.

We, on our part, provide a similar service for the British. (11)

What Happened to the Documents

We must not forget that the collectors were dealing with mountains of material and that only a very small fraction was processed and filmed. Thus the question has remained ever since "What happened to the rest?"

It is still being asked today, especially if a researcher is interested in, let's say, a particular camera made by the Leitz Company and he is looking for the user manual.

In my search for the answers I have, over the decades, talked to many people some of whom had been in the collecting and processing effort.
"You cannot imagine, unless you had been there, how many documents and single pages were scattered all over the floors, crammed into shelves, stacked from floor to ceiling, falling over, spilling, it was utter chaos," I was told.
The filming was often equally wild: page after page the documents were pulled through the machines , with quantity rather than quality being the determining factor by untrained machine operators who did the best they could under the circumstances. Quality control was non-existent. The result was that some film rolls contain almost in their entirety, only blurred, useless images. Also, when specialists wrote reports, let's say on the 'German Optical Industry' the supporting documents were, unless the were deemed important enough to be registered individually, discarded; the same happened to translated documents.

Military and Nazi Party documents generally were brought to the United States, sorted, filmed, and eventually returned to German archives. Books and journals were, supposedly, turned over to the Library of Congress, but we are not sure that we actually received all that was designated for the Library.

According to Richard EellsActing Chief of the Aeronautics Division,
"the Library, by agreement with the Air Material Command, Wright Field, has become the depository for all purely historical and descriptive portions of this captured material. The preliminary winnowing of the shipment from Wright Field yielded 9,114 aeronautical books, periodicals, and ephemera. In addition, more than 18,000 items representing the literature of related fields were turned over to the Library for its general collection.

Some of the confiscated libraries belonged to institutions that loomed large in the history of the Luftwaffe: e.g., Junkers, Focke-Wulf, the Deutsche Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung (German Academy for Aeronautical Research), the Deutsche Forschungsinstitut für Segelflug (German Research Institute for Gliding), theFlugfunkforschungsinstitut (Research Institute for Aeronautical Radio), and the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (Air Ministry) itself." (12)
During the past years I have inspected about two thirds of the Library's aeronautical collection but found but a dozen or so volumes having book plates ascribing them to the libraries of the institutes just mentioned. This certainly does not add up to the 12,000 books from the Junkers Aircraft Company Library alone that we supposedly received.

It is interesting to note that according to German newspaper reports (13) published after the war, the American officer in charge of the team collecting the Junkers Library was none other thanCharles Lindbergh, who was no stranger to Hitler's Germany. Because of his friendship with Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring and General Udet (he was later accused of having been a Nazi sympathizer) many doors had opened to him in Nazi Germany and he had visited and inspected the aircraft manufactured by Junkers several times.

We must also remember that the Allies had much respect for the German Luftwaffe and that one of the stipulations of the German capitulation was that she would never again build an air force. Therefore, all books and reports in German libraries that could be used to re-build the Luftwaffe, were to be removed from Germany.

Now Dessau, where Junkers was located, was to be in the designated Russian Zone - why would the Americans leave a library of such importance to the Russians? So, what happened to these libraries?

Eells, in the article cited (14) also mentions another important aspect:
A check of the Deutsche Nationalbibliographie indicates that the Library of Congress has acquired many, if not all, of the commercial aeronautical imprints in Germany during the war years.
One of the strengths of the Library of Congress before and for some decades after the War was its aeronautical collection. Now, if we already had almost all of the books contained in the Junkers and the other German libraries, we would have made the rest either available to other interested American libraries, or, on demand, returned the volumes to German archives (the disappeared footlockers?).

Since the Junkers Aircraft Company, located in the Russian Zone or the German Democratic Republic, did no longer exist after 1945, who would have received the returned material? The Russians?Bibliography
  1. Library of Congress. Science & Technology Division. Note of Karl Green. n.d.
  2. United States Department of Commerce. Report of the Secretary of Commerce, 34th 1946. Washington, DC : GPO, 1946: xxvi-xxvii
  3. Eells, Richard. 'Aeronautical Science. German Documents.' Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions 3 (4) Aug. 1946
  4. Von Karman, Theodore. The Wind and Beyond. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co. 1967
  5. United States Department of Commerce. Report of the Secretary of Commerce, 34th, 1946. Washington, DC: GPO, 1946
  6. Gimbel, John. Science, Technology, and Reparations. Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1990
  7. Ibid
  8. Ibid
  9. Ibid
  10. United States Department of Commerce. Report of the Secretary of Commerce, 35th, 1947. Washington, DC: GPO, 1947
  11. Ibid
  12. Eels, Richard. 'Aeronautical Science'. Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions 3(4) Aug. 1947
  13. 13:
    1. "Junkers Bibliothek: Ein verschollenes Objekt der Begierde" Mitteldeutsche Zeitung Dessau, 17 June 1995
    2. "'Bernsteinzimmer der Technik' soll nach Dessau zurückkehren." Anhaltische Zerbster Nachrichten 24 March 1995
    3. "Fundgrube für Junkers Forschung und die Bibliothekssuche in Amerika" Der Alte Dessauer, 28 April 1995
  14. Eells, Richard. Ibid, 1947

After World War One the Germans of America have become so disenfranchised that they displayed the Stars and Stripes even in their own clubs, and sing the American national anthem there louder than anywhere else! There were no longer any clubs or associations that retained their German character or consciousness.

American historians find that no more than one percent of the German-Americans were "fanatical National Socialists" during and since the war – in 1940 a political periodical described America as the "mass grave of the German emigrant".

German industrialists contributed extensively to the production of arms against their country of origin.
In the Seattle assembly plants of the entrepreneur Boeing, whose origins are in Hohenlimburg, the Flying Fortresses are built that drop 640,036 tons of bombs on Germany. The Bechtels arm the navy. Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose ancestor was driven out of the Odenwald for his pacifist views, is the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied forces, and Chester D. Nimitz, whose grandparents were from Bremen, becomes Fleet Admiral.

Generals Krüger and Eichelberger lead two armies, General Spaatz commands the bomber fleet, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers of German extraction fight for America. Additionally, after the war, the financiers Bernard Baruch and Henry Morgenthau Jr. compete in the development of ideas for Germany's ultimate annihilation. Baruch's ancestors were from East Prussia, the Morgenthaus from Mannheim!
Regarding America's entry into the war under the leadership of Roosevelt, the President who according to the unanimous verdict of all Revisionists 'tricked America into the war with lies',Joachim Fernau writes:
The 'Lusitania' had once cost 128 Americans their lives, but Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor cost 4,000!
These were lives which this ambitious and cynical warmonger sacrificed in cold blood in order to finally force his reluctant people "through the back door" and into the war against the Axis powers!

In his 1947 book The Crime of Our Age about America's war politics, war aims and political morals - a book which circulated widely in America even in the highest political circles, including President Truman's - the American Reverend Dr. Ludwig A. Fritsch writes:
In the presence of God I ask our nation, I ask you, ministers of the Gospel: Did the Germans in all our histories ever inflict such injuries on us as we did in the two World Wars and still do inflict on them? What wrong did the German nation do to us Americans that we punished them twice in a generation in the most cruel and inhuman way such as history never saw before? Do you call that American gratitude for all the hard work and faithfulness by which German people here built up our country and won our victories?
Of the German scientists and engineers who worked under Wernher von Braun in Peenemünde to develop the V2 rocket and who surrendered to the Americans in 1945, some 120 went to America "voluntarily" as intellectual war booty. Among them was the noteworthy scientist Dr. Rudolph, who was later - after he had served his purpose! - banished again from the United States, even though he held American citizenship!

Working in Huntsville, Alabama within the framework of NASA, von Braun invented the propulsion system for the Saturn V, making the 1969 "Apollo" trip to the moon possible. Martin Schwarzschild, a professor who had immigrated from Potsdam in 1937, had contributed substantially to this success. And even Neil Armstrong, "the first man on the moon", was of German extraction - his ancestors were from Ladbergen in Westphalia.

Between 1951 and 1960 a new wave of immigrants arrived in America: almost 478,000 Germans and some 104,000 Austrians - and these were not a negative selection, such as would be the case later on, in a different country, but the cream of the crop, selected according to strict criteria! Additionally, the American occupiers of post-war Germany brought several thousand German women home as "war brides".

Most of these immigrants were people with special qualifications, who no longer saw a future for themselves in their homeland, destroyed as it had been by Anglo bombs. Another reason for the hopelessness experienced by these unemployed Germans is to be found in the post-war dismantling of vital German industries, as well as in the influx of millions of Germans fleeing from Stalin's Red hordes.

Reverend Fritsch comments on this post-war situation:
The extradition and presentation of entire countries and nations to the Russians by Roosevelt; the senseless and deliberate destruction of the most magnificent cities; the most cruel expulsion of millions of Eastern-Germans from their century old homes; the development and the execution of the Eisenhower-Morgenthau-Roosevelt plan, the most inhuman act of revenge since there is a recorded history; the slow and painful murdering of 20-30 million human beings by starvation, cold and privation.

Those are not political 'mistakes' as our leaders now want us to believe; they are conscious, deliberate, premeditated crimes!
In 1987 the American Congress declared October 6 to be "German American Day", an empty gesture since the Germans continue to be the States' only, yet largest, minority with no voice. But at least at that time reference was still made to the countless contributions Germans made to America's development (a subject which is now an absolute taboo again).

According to Längin, there was a certain recollection that,
"Walter Chrysler (Kreisler) had founded the automobile manufacturing company that is named for him; that Martin Brill from Kassel had established the largest manufactory of street cars, Johann Bausch and Heinrich Lomb the foremost manufactory of optical lenses, and Karl Pfizer from Ludwigsburg a leading drug company.

Charles Schwab and Henry Flick are regarded as giants of the steel industry, and the Viennese Charles Bluhdorn was co-founder and President of Gulf & Western Industries. Frank A. Seibelring, a descendant of immigrants from Stuttgart, was the founding father of the company Goodyear, and the ancestors of his main competitor Harvey Firestone (these are the two largest American rubber manufacturers; ed.) were Austrians who had immigrated via Alsace.

Hermann Hollerith introduced the first electric calculating machine in his adopted homeland, and in 1942 the Viennese woman Hedy Lamarr (actually Hedwig Kiesler) received the patent for a torpedo guidance system."

"The opinion of history remains divided," adds Längin. "The German sickness, namely a lack of group consciousness, is the formula that facilitates a rapid and thoughtless assimilation into the host society, which quickly turns the German into the 'Anglo monkey' and the United States into the 'graveyard of the Germans'."
The historian Lamprecht comments in a similar vein:
"The Germans have failed as Germans," and no Oktoberfest with lederhosen, chamois hat decorations, yodeling and beer can whitewash that!
The question remains whether the demise of America's most numerous, efficient and probably also most decent ethnic group with the lowest crime rate of all is the consequence primarily of German naiveté and lack of political ability, or of a large-scale, clever exploitation of German energy and expertise by the politically savvy Anglo-Saxon leadership elite.

Regarding the crimes committed by America against the Germans as well as other peoples in both world wars and since, Reverend Dr. Fritsch expresses the educated German-American view thus:
All these tremendous might and power and profits were achieved at the lowest price in comparison to the appalling damage and the irreparable loss we inflicted on our 'enemies.' Hitherto we were in our whole history the lucky winners of all our aggressive wars against the Indians, the English, Spaniards, Mexicans, Japanese and twice against the Germans. In this last gigantic struggle of nations we have lost only as many human lives as we have at home by accidents.

The American Red Cross in 1945 reported officially that '99 per cent of the American prisoners of war in Germany have survived and are on their way home!' (In contrast to this fact we have sent not 1 per cent of our German prisoners of war home, but we traded them as slaves to France and England!) Concerning the 260 billions - the cost of Roosevelt's war - it is more than paid off through the patent secrets and art treasures and scientists stolen and kidnapped from the Germans.

Thus we have only profited from all the wars we waged while at the same time we inflicted on mankind unspeakable misery and bitter disappointments. The greatest of all sins in the presence of God and in the light of history that we as a nation have committed is making ourselves guilty of matricide. Europe is our physical and spiritual mother.

But most of all we should appreciate and honor that nation whose sons' and daughters' blood and sweat mostly had flowed for our country: the German. Is it not true that in every third American's veins flows Teutonic blood?
And as for the possibilities of a Germany left in peace, Reverend Fritsch writes:
"In my opinion the Germans would have broken the eccentricities of Hitlerism after they had reached their goal - unification of all Germans. Their unique ability to organize would have created order and tranquility in Europe and in the World in the shortest possible time. They would have created the United States of Europe without bloodshed.

They would have placed their great capabilities in the fields of science, arts and technology to the disposition of the whole world as they did before. Their deep spiritual life would have enriched and ennobled mankind, as for example the unique German music and hymns heretofore did."
With regard to the jealous fear of competition that characterizes England, the nation Hitler (oddly enough) admired so much, he writes:
Germany was at that time at the zenith of her might, fame and reputation. She built the greatest and most luxurious ships of the world with which she gained the world market, because she was able to supply the best and cheapest production. In the realm of science Germany was ahead of all nations of the world.

Her scientists had more Nobel-Prizes in all spheres of science than all the other nations combined. From all countries of the globe the seekers of knowledge and lovers of art came to the famous universities of the 'people of poets and thinkers.' But the might and greatness of Germany was at the same time envied and suspected.

England, feeling that she was put back to play the second fiddle in world affairs, in her insatiable greediness worked so hard and so long until she succeeded in surrounding Germany with enemies. Europe became a powder keg. Only the spark was necessary to make her explode.

The world became ablaze. For the second time!
For even regarding the earlier great European fraternal war, Fritsch observed:
When our soldiers returned home and after they had seen the sad consequences of our intervention in the European quarrel they cried out: 'We fought on the wrong side!'

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