
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Antarctica: The Rockefeller Connection

Found @ Stillness In The Storm
(Bankster Slayer“Bob, they’re after me.”

— Secretary of Defense James Forrestal to future secretary Bob Lovett in Hobe Sound, Florida in April 1949

At this sixth episode in our Antarctica saga, it might be helpful to take a step back and view a timeline of important events that are either specifically connected to Antarctica or are connected to parallel world events. As this jigsaw puzzle continues to come into view, it is important to see how some events that you might never have considered to be related to our southern continent just might, after all, be entirely connected.

Source - The Event Chronicle

by Bankster Slayer, March 2017

Timeline 1871 – 1965

Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, famous for the phrase
“the pen is mightier than the sword.” c. 1831

1871 – Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton publishes fictional tale about the Vril, “The Coming Race,” set in a mythical world accessed by underground tunnel system. “Their society was a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being an “all-permeating fluid” called “Vril”, a latent source of energy that the spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree that depended on their hereditary constitution.”

1888 – Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant, and other influential occultists spread the notion that the Vril idea is based on ancient wisdom truth.

1901-03 – first German Antarctic expedition

1911-13 – second German Antarctic expedition

1918 – Thule Society is established. Rudolf Hess is a prominent member. Maintains close association with Blavatsky’s Theosophy movement.

1924-1928 – Nicholas Roerich, the man who would inspire the occult symbols on the back of the redesigned $1 Bill in 1935, leads a search for “Shambhala” in Tibet.

1926 – Rockefeller finances Byrd’s flight over the North Pole.

1928 – Byrd begins first expedition to Antarctica. His flagship has a connection to the ‘Titanic’ tragedy.

In 1928, Byrd began his first expedition to the Antarctic involving two ships and three airplanes. One of his abandoned Fokkers is shown here. Byrd’s Flagship was the ‘City of New York’. It had been one of the ships in the vicinity of the Titanic but now re-christened. (Image: Wikipedia)

1929 – The Piri Reis map of prehistoric Antarctica “gets re-discovered” by a German theologian.

1930 – Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess send a German expedition to Tibet in 1930.

1933 – James Hilton writes the book “Lost Horizon,” a mythical paradise of immortality in an ice world.

1934 – Julius Evola publishes the book “Revolt Against the Modern World: Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga” which becomes a bible to the post-war Vienna Circle. (More about that in a future blog.)

1934 – Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess send another German expedition to Tibet.

1935 – Heinrich Himmler establishes the elite Ahnenerbe project to search for ancient wisdom that can be used to build new technology.

1935 – FDR orders the occult re-design of the $1 Bill under the influence of Henry Wallace who in turn was under the guidance of Nicholas Roerich. The design includes an Eye over a Pyramid. (but WHOSE pyramid?)

1936 – H.P. Lovecraft serializes fictional Antarctic horror story “At the Mountains of Madness.”

1938 – American polar explorer Richard Byrd lectures the Germans on recent intel about Antarctica, sponsored by the Thule Society.

“The 1938-1939 German Expedition to Tibet was a German scientific expedition from May 1938 to August 1939, led by German zoologist and SS officer Ernst Schäfer.” (Image: Wikipedia)

1938 – Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess send a THIRD German expedition to Tibet.

1938-1939 – Germany launches third expedition to Antarctica and stake Nazi flags all over Norway’s claim on the northern coast.

1944 – Maison Rouge meeting August 10th. Nazi elites set up their corporate escape plans.

1945 – Nazi elites escape Berlin to southern hemisphere; propaganda of Hitler suicide is handed to the Allies by Karl Doenitz, deals are made that allow Nazi research and financial empire to continue functioning.

1945 – British rescue Operation Tabarin in Antarctica; claims made of fully functional and militarized Nazi cavern base and engineered “Polar Men.”

1946-47 – Disastrous Operation Highjump. Byrd warns of enemy craft that can fly from pole to pole. [See my previous episode linked here.]

1947 – Crash at Roswell, NM of unidentified flying object. Two-way opposite propaganda stream emerges to divert public attention from southern hemisphere German tech. (“Weather Baloon” vs “Extraterrestrial”)

1947 – CIA, Dept of Air Force, Dept of Defense all established. The rise of the Deep State (aka National Security State) begins.

1948 – Austrian Nazi scientist Ronald Richter gets Argentina’s president Juan Peron to fund a nuclear research facility in Bariloche, known as the Huemul Project. He claims limited success in the development of fusion power.

1949 – America’s first Secy of Defense, James Forrestal, gets suicided on May 22. He had oversight of Operation Highjump.

1950 – Vienna Circle continues to promote the Nazi Vril mythos to later be succeeded by the Causa Nostra.

1957 – Admiral Byrd dies on March 11. “Byrd died in his sleep on March 11, 1957, of a heart ailment at his Brimmer Street home in the Beacon Hill neighborhood in Boston.”

1959 – F. Amadeo Giannini, publishes the book “Worlds beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Universe.” The books sets off a firestorm of controversy by making an unproven claim that Admiral Byrd made trips to both Antarctica and the North Pole in 1947.

1959 – Antarctic Treaty signed. “The treaty, entering into force in 1961 and having 53 parties as of 2016, sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific investigation and bans military activity on that continent. The treaty was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War. The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat headquarters have been located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, since September 2004.”

1961 – Antarctic Treaty goes into effect.

1965 – UFO flap over Antarctica and nearby Australia and Argentina from June through September.

A few months after the disastrous Operaton Highjump, cover-ups and obfuscations kick into high gear in 1947 with the launch of the Deep State’s Central Intelligence Agency.

It’s well known that Richard Byrd conducted many expeditions to both the North and South poles. What is not often mentioned is the name of Byrd’s financial backer in the early days. This was none other than John D. Rockefeller. Researcher Dennis Crenshaw posted these comments [linked here]:

John D. Rockefeller financed Byrd’s initial flight
over the North Pole. (Image: Reformation.org)
In 1926 following orders from his mentor and lifetime financial backer, John D. Rockefeller, Byrd made his first and only exploration flight in the northern area and found enough proof of what he was looking for 80 miles from the “north pole” to be able to turn back. He never made it to the non-existent “North Geological pole” because he had no need to. What he needed to know – information regarding the measurement of the curvature of the planet – he found long before the non-existing “point” called the North Geographical Pole was reached. Because flying to “the pole” was the media spin for his activity, documents (since proven wrong) were doctored in a dis-information campaign to report “Byrd Flew to the North Pole.”

Byrd reported in and had a debriefing session with Rockefeller and other members of the Controller cartel. They decided to concentrate their efforts in the quest for the mysteries of the poles at the southern end of our globe for a couple of reasons. The Northern area of our planet is the most populated so therefore harder to hide movement and exploration and there is is a large land mass totally empty of permanent human occupation on which to build a permanent “home base” for operations.

So the first move in exploring “the lands beyond the poles” was the establishment in January 1929 by Richard Byrd of the first of a series of base camps, all called Little America, from which operations in Antarctica would be directed.
As you can see in our timeline above, international interest in Antarctica gradually transitioned from privately-funded expeditions toward government-funded operations. Once the Central Intelligence Agency was created, the banksters continued running this show but now they could continue steering these operations from behind the curtain of their newly created Deep State agencies. And wouldn’t you know it but Rockefeller got an Antarctic mountain plateau named after himself, a plateau whose elevation is curiously marked by the figure 666 meters on this map.

Antarctica’s Rockefeller Plateau with a height of
666 meters, to go with 666 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY perhaps?
(Image: Reformation.org)

It wasn’t just Rockefeller who was interested in “the mysteries of the poles at the southern end.” Two years after the death of Admmiral Byrd, a self-styled scientist by the name of Francis Amadeo Giannini published a book that set off a firestorm of controversy about Byrd’s whereabouts in the year 1947. If that name “Amadeo Giannini” sounds familiar, it is because Francis was a member of the A.P. Giannini family, the founder of San Francisco’s Bank of Italy, now more commonly known as Bank of America.

BofA’s logo is a geometrically placed series of three 11’s, a very NWO symbol.

Giannini made the claim that Byrd had made a secret Arctic (North Pole) trip in February 1947 besides the well-documented Antarctica invasion known as Operation Highjump. Apparently, he twisted statements that Byrd had made about Antarctica and claimed that they applied to what Byrd witnessed at the North Pole. Much debate followed along with the sudden surfacing of a supposed long-lost “secret diary” of Admiral Byrd’s.

Crenshaw, quoted above, has posted extensive debunking of the claims of that author. This is another example of how the banksters were becoming quite adept at using well-place propaganda to divert the public’s attention away from what they should have been looking at, to create false narratives, to re-write history and cause us to doubt that we know what we know. He wrote this [linked here]:
The first mention of a 1947 North Polar flight by the Admiral can be found in the book Worlds beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Universe (1959) by a controversial self-proclaimed scientist, F. Amadeo Giannini. On page 13 of his book under the heading “The Changing Scene 1927-1947” he presents a list of things that happened during those years to support his theory. One of the entries is:

“1947: February “I’d like to see that land beyond the pole. The area beyond the pole is the center of the great unknown.” – Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd before his seven-hour flight over land beyond the North Pole.”

Not only was this the first time a 1947 flight ever mentioned, but this also seems to be the origin of this often used quote attributed to Admiral Byrd and used by Hollow Earthers constantly to prove their point. The actual source of this quote was probably an article that appeared in the October 1947 National Geography Magazine titled “Our Navy Explores Antarctica,” in which the Admiral refers several times to the “Mystery Land beyond The Pole” although not in the sequence of words presented by Mr. Giannini. And most importantly of all … Byrd was talking about Antarctica.

His family owned the Bank of Italy and the Bank of America! If, as my research seems to indicate, it is the One Worlders plan to hide what is going on at the earth’s poles, what better way to cloud the water, so to speak, than to have one of their own, an admitted member of an international banking family toss in a controversy, such as this phony trip by Byrd, to make Hollow Earthers look ridiculous. And it seems to have worked … The 1947 Byrd “secret” flight has kept anyone from looking into what was really going on in 1947.
By causing these false narratives to spread out amongst the general public, the public could be cajoled into believing that the whispers about Nazi bases in Antarctica were all false and should just be ignored. Besides, we have other things to worry about, like, the Cold War and the now-regular pattern of international conflict and financial boom and bust cycles.


One of the sad mysteries of the late 1940’s continues to be the question of what really happened to America’s first secretary of defense, James Forrestal. The short story is that he cracked under pressure, went insane, had to be admitted into Bethesda Naval Hospital for treatment, and one day, fashioned a hanging noose from his dressing gown, tied one end of it to the radiator in his 16th floor hospital kitchen, and then proceeded to jump out the window to his death.

Bethesda Naval Hospital where James Forrestal, a known suicide risk, occupied a room on the 16th floor.

There are several holes in the narrative. One that should immediately jump out to you is this: Why would you hang yourself AND leap to your death, as if the fall alone from the 16th floor wasn’t sufficient to do the job? And then there are the dozen or so inconsistencies in the evidence, like how somebody forgot to mention the bits of broken glass on his pillowcase and the scratch marks on the exterior ledge as if Forrestal was struggling to get back inside the room.

We do know that there is plenty of back-story to this tragedy for somebody to take a second look at the role that Forrestal’s rivals from the Defense Department played. Whatever the truth is, there are dozens of books and websites about the theories. Richard M. Dolan wrote about the Forrestal death in his book “UFOs and the National Security State,” a book that has come to be the bible on the history of the development of the “breakaway civilization”. Nevertheless, Dolan feels that the only logical explanation for the murder of Forrestal was his involvement with the Roswell cover-up, his connection to Majestic-12, and the general submersion of the truth about E.T.’s.

America’s first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal,
who died under suspicious circumstances on May 22, 1949.
(Image: Wikipedia)

I would encourage Dolan and all others who care to meditate on the subject to consider this Antarctica timeline presented in this blog. Then re-read Dolan’s words on page 115 of that book. On March 28, 1949, President Truman abruptly replaced Forrestal with a new secretary of defense. For public consumption, Truman participated in a ceremony meant to honor Forrestal for his years of service. That event would prove to be Forrestal’s last public appearance.

As Forrestal was leaving the ceremony, Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington, made his way to Forrestal’s side and indicated that there was something Forrestal needed to know. The two men had become professional antagonists of each other, so it remains a mystery as to why Secretary Symington felt compelled at this moment to further destroy Forrestal’s mental health when Forrestal was no longer a professional threat. Dolan relates what happened next:
What followed after the ceremony remains bizarre and mysterious. “There is something I would like to talk to you about,” [Air Force Secretary] Symington told Forrestal, and accompanied him privately during the ride back to the Pentagon. What Symington said is not known, but Forrestal emerged from the ride deeply upset, even traumatized, upon arrival at his office. Friends of Forrestal implied that Symington said something that “shattered Forrestal’s last remaining defenses.” When someone entered Forrestal’s office several hours later, the former Secretary of Defense did not notice. Instead he said rigidly at his desk staring at the bare wall, incoherent, repeating the sentence, “you are a loyal fellow,” a sentence he repeated for several hours.
Next, Forrestal was taken to Florida by the Air Force where he spoke the words noted at the top of this blog to his friend Bob Lovett. After being interviewed by Pentagon doctors and psychologists, Forrestal was checked-into a room on the 16th floor of Bethesda Naval Hospital. Over the next few weeks, his mental state actually appeared to improve. But then, one night, while transcribing a verse from Sophocles “Ajax,” in fact while trailing off in the middle of an unfinished word, Forrestal apparently committed suicide (or, was “suicided.”) “Forrestal’s alleged last written statement, touted in the contemporary press and later biographers as an implied suicide note, was part of a poem from W.M. Praed’s translation of Sophocles’ tragedy Ajax,” is how Wikipedia reports the strange macabre trophy.

In closing, I’ll leave you with this interesting radio interview with guest Tim Swartz who summarizes many of the developments focused on Antarctica during the post-war period. In the next episode of this series, we’ll take a look at seismic graphs that Dr. Joseph P. Farrell included at the end of his book “Roswell and the Reich” that point to the possibility that scalar technology, or worse, scalar weaponry, has been tested in Antarctica. And who exactly is the “Vienna Circle” mentioned above in my timeline, a group who has now morphed into a very active German-speaking society but has adopted a decidedly un-German name of “Causa Nostra”? The occult, esoteric basis for seeking control of our southern continent has not died down in the least.

Fair Salamis, the billows’ roar,
Wander around thee yet,
And sailors gaze upon thy shore
Firm in the Ocean set.
Thy son is in a foreign clime
Where Ida feeds her countless flocks,
Far from thy dear, remembered rocks,
Worn by the waste of time–
Comfortless, nameless, hopeless save
In the dark prospect of the yawning grave….
Woe to the mother in her close of day,
Woe to her desolate heart and temples gray,
When she shall hear
Her loved one’s story whispered in her ear!
“Woe, woe!’ will be the cry–
No quiet murmur like the tremulous wail
Of the lone bird, the querulous nightingale–
— Ajax by Sophocles, as translated by W.M. Praed

My contact information with link to my Karatbars portal are found at my billboard page of SlayTheBankster.com. Listen to my radio show, Bee In Eden, on Youtube via my show blog at SedonaDeb.wordpress.com.

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