
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Tom DeLonge promises ‘BIG UFO ANNOUNCEMENT’ within 60 DAYS

Found @ Stillness In The Storm

(Jon Austin) FORMER Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge has claimed “a big announcement” in the world of alien and UFO disclosure is due in the next 60 days.

by Jon Austin, March 9th, 2017

The singer-turned UFO investigator spoke after being named UFO “Researcher Of The Year” by the International UFO Congress.

In his acceptance speech he suggested there was about to be a big leap in the quest for truth over aliens.

He has been involved in a mystery project, details of which emerged when emails he sent Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta were released by WikiLeaks during the US presidential election campaign.

The emails suggested he was in talks with significant US military sources.

There’s a lot that I can’t say, but there’s some that I can, but there will be an announcement in like 60 days.

DeLonge has previously made wild claims, including that he has met aliens near top-secret military base Area 51.

He also said his mission has seen him “hunted” by shady officials, with his phone being tapped, due to his sources.

In his acceptance speech, he said: “There’s a lot that I can’t say, but there’s some that I can, but there will be an announcement in like 60 days.

“I’m so appreciative that I’ve been acknowledged for this stuff, but I’m not done.

“I’m just like you guys. I spent 20 years up all night, reading about Roswell, Dulce, Serpo, Churchill, the crashes here, Nazis building craft there, Antarctica, what’s on Mars, what’s on the back of the moon, anomalous structures.

“I mean, I’ve done it all. I know it all. I read all the same authors as you guys, hundreds of books. I look at all the same sites. I listen to all the Coast To Coast stuff that you guys do. I’m the same.

“But I kind of used some of my notoriety to try to do something pretty ambitious, and it worked.

“I came out and told you guys about a book I was writing called Sekret Machines, and I said a bunch of stuff, that I was working with some people.

“Well, I think a lot of people doubted it, and they thought it was crazy that this musician would have this kind of access. And then the WikiLeaks thing happened, and you guys saw that I’m into some serious s***, and I’m making really good progress.”

He said his announcement may be missed by mainstream media.

However, “the UFO community would see the significance”, he said.

After the WikiLeaks releases last year, DeLonge said in a message posted on Instagram: “WikiLeaks really messed some important stuff up.

“What seems like ridiculous subject matter to most, is of massive importance to admirable National Security Leadership.

“It’s easy to poke fun about the topic from an armchair, but unless you’re invited to the meetings I have been a part of, then…no more laughing.”

WikiLeaks revealed DeLonge had sent multiple emails to Mr Podesta, concerning proposed meetings and even military whistleblowers he was working with.

This article (Tom DeLonge promises ‘BIG UFO ANNOUNCEMENT’ within 60 DAYS) was originally published on Express UK and syndicated by The Event Chronicle.


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