Saturday, June 4, 2016

Know Thyself – How To Be Happy Without Changing Anything But Yourself

Found @ Stillness In The Storm

Source - The Mind Unleashed

If you give the below video an hour and a half of your time, you won’t be disappointed with the Inner wisdom it gives you. Do we create our own reality? As human beings we all co-create the aggregate of our experiences, your outer world is largely a reflection of your inner world. You are the co-creator of your reality. You are not the entirety of your reality, this isn’t solipsism, at the same time you’re not at the mercy of a deterministic world with no free will. You co-create it, which means you have a lot of Power to influence it.

When you remove filters that influence the perspectives and decisions you make, the things that resonate with those filters will be removed with it. One of the laws, which is the law of analogy, as above so below, so within so without, are consistent in every human being because the patterns and cycles within ourselves create and interact with similar patterns and cycles outside of ourselves.

Related Hyperdimensional Reality and Synchromysticism - 'Know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and the Gods'

Everything you do in life starts from inside you. It starts with a thought, it starts with a belief, a desire, a perception. Everything begins from what’s inside you, and then you take action to make that thought a reality. Whether you’re manifesting thoughts of wanting a coffee in the morning, running a marathon, creating a successful business, it all starts with thoughts, which are influenced by your beliefs, desires and perceptions.

The Hermetic principle of mentalism states that thoughts lead to the manifestation of things and events. Thoughts co-create our external reality and the quality of our experiences. Therefore, be responsible for everything you create by being responsible for how you think. Everything that happens unnaturally (as in, everything initiated by people, not nature) has to be the result of a mental state that proceeded it. Thoughts create conditions, our thought processes drive our behaviors. We behave the way we do because we have perspectives, belief systems, and various forms of trauma or imprinting embedded in the mind, running in the background like a program. Our thoughts and emotions drive our actions, which is why we have to change our thoughts and examine our emotions to change our reality. More often than we notice, the way we think and feel is not always aligned with the requirements of getting what we want.

Related The Kybalion – The Ultimate Hermetic Introduction (Complete pdf)

Related Restoring Wholeness by Integrating the Conscious and Subconscious Mind | Conscious Breathing Meditation (Beginner)

THIS IS NOT “The Law of Attraction”, nor is this “The Secret.” This video is much more in depth as it describes the mechanics of how our perceived reality works in accordance with the natural laws of karma/causality. This will illuminate your eyes even more than it already is at this level in your evolution, giving you the power to live life more effortlessly with less resistance to the things that hold you back from getting what you want.

Related The Natural LAW | Mark Passio's Natural Law Seminar / Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction - presented on October 19th, 2013

There’s a saying that goes, “The only Zen you find at the top of the mountain is the one you bring”. The Grass isn’t always greener on the other side because you take your perspective with you wherever you go. Meaning that you can never chase happiness and fulfillment as long as you seek it outside of yourself. You’ve got to do the inner work needed to change your outer world.

This presentation is about taking responsibility for the way you perceive reality and becoming aware of the things you’re UNAWARE of that control your reality. It’s about thinking successfully.

Related Biology of Belief | Keys to Living - Positive and Negative Knowledge: Fearlessness, Self Mastery and Healing the body

It’s not a religious presentation, however it will be referencing some spiritual concepts, as well as Philosophy, and Psychology. Although these are all various disciplines, schools of thought, and religions, beneath the surface of all the dogma and institutional rigidity, there are some parallels and gems of wisdom in each of them that are addressed which coincide with the over all message of this presentation.

Related Restoring Wholeness by Integrating the Conscious and Subconscious Mind | Conscious Breathing Meditation (Beginner)

The presentation digs deep down to the core of what’s holding a lot of people back in life, as the only way you can overcome your challenges in life is to study yourself.

Image Source.

This information in the video is meant for those who contemplate the paths that they walk in all areas of life, and the forks in the road that they run into. It’s meant to instill the will of personal growth through inner wisdom, which is why the presentation is called. Know Thyself – Flowing & Living Without Resistance – How To Be Happy Without Changing Anything But Yourself. It’s about opening doors to your inner universe, whether you want to take that literally or metaphorically, understand that the vastness of who we are, especially subconsciously, below the surface level of what we can see and be aware of, is a universe of information that reveals more knowledge of itself the deeper you look.

Related Fractal Universe | Proof of Consciousness and a Creator, the Dreamer within the Dream – Understanding the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio

“Whoever knows the all but fails to know thyself lacks everything.”


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