Source: Adept Initiates
“The Seshu-Hor”
“It is generally accepted that in Egypt, all of the sciences, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, the hieroglyphics and religious systems were all in place by the old kingdom times with no indication or little indication of a period of development.”
Perhaps this “dynastic” civilization didn’t appear out of nowhere around 3,000 BCE but was part of a legacy that goes back tens of thousands of years. The “dynastic” Egyptians themselves had documented these earlier periods of their history in detail. Examples of these records would be “Manetho’s Kings List”, the “Palermo Stone” and the “Turin Papyrus.”
“Manetho’s Kings List”, the “Palermo Stone” and the “Turin Papyrus.”
They write of long periods of time when the Neters or natural principles themselves “ruled,” then after a time when the Shemsu or Seshu-Hor “reigned.” R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz (Alternative Egyptologist and Alchemist) translated the term Shemsu-Hor as the “Followers or Companions of Horus.” In contrast, E.A. Reymond (British Egyptologist) translated the term as Seshu-Hor which roughly translates as the “People of Horus.” Reymond’s translation opposed to others holds well with the indigenous oral tradition, brought forward by Abd’el Hakim Awyan (Archaeologist and Indigenous Wisdom Keeper) — which properly translates the term Seshu-Hor as the “people of the realized man.” This concept existed prior to kingship in “pre-dynastic” and early “dynastic” times (4,000-3,000 BCE) when the term Hor (Horus) originally meant “the realized man” — a male who had achieved a “flowering of consciousness, a degree of enlightenment.”
The term originally had nothing to do with royalty but later became the foundation for the male chosen by the female as her consort — she represents Hat-Hor (Hathor) who embodies the “place of the realized man” in the matrilineal descent patterns of ancient Egypt. The age of the Seshu-Hor was known in the indigenous oral tradition as the time when men began to develop higher states of awareness and capability. The time when “the realized man” had played an important role in the advancement of Egyptian civilization. Perhaps they guided the general population and became instrumental in the development of astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, architecture and later the written language. The end result of these periods of development are not only seen in the quality of the artifacts but in the many enigmatic megalithic structures themselves.
Many including Schwaller de Lubicz have interpreted it as a record of “pre-dynastic” rulers, who were an advanced people that came to Egypt in pre-historic times — bringing great knowledge and wisdom. Anyone from “Atlanteans” to extraterrestrials have been thought to be the forbears of Egyptian civilization. Many also theorize they were the survivors of “pre-cataclysmic” civilizations like “Mu” and “Atlantis,” migrating to lands like Egypt, Sumer, Peru and Mexico — introducing the trappings of civilization following the global cataclysm around 12,000 years ago. Regardless of conclusion, most of us have asked the questions, who or what were these people and where or how did they get their knowledge and wisdom?
In The Message of the Sphinx, author Graham Hancock explains, “the ‘Followers of Horus’ may not have been ‘kings’ in the usual sense of the word, but rather as immensely powerful and enlightened individuals — high initiates who were carefully selected by an elite academy that established itself at the sacred site of Heliopolis-Giza thousands of years before history began.”
The familiar term Zep-Tepi is found written on the walls at the Temple of Edfu. The inscription reads:Ntr-Ntri-Hpr-m-Sp-Tpy. Respective authors Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval champion the term as meaning the “first time.” E.A. Reymond also translated the term but as meaning “when gods manifested as humans.” Lastly, Abd’el Hakim Awyan stated that according to the oral tradition, it refers to the time when divinity began to take hold of humanity as a whole – resulting in the raising of consciousness.
The ancient Egyptian people were known as the Sesh, hence why the term Seshu-Hor means “people of the realized man” and according to the indigenous oral tradition, the Sesh were comprised of the original 42 tribes of Khemit (Egypt) — 42 being a symbolic number seen throughout the Egyptian doctrine. They had come from 42 different directions or regions and possibly even from 42 different directions in the sky or star constellations. North Africa at the time was an original gathering ground for many ancient peoples whom were made up of many ethnicities/“races” — known as the oldest “melting pot.” Depictions of the people’s diversity can be seen on the walls of many great “dynastic” temples.
According to the indigenous oral tradition, it was the people themselves who came into “full consciousness” — in accordance with preordained cosmic cycles. Having achieved this “flowering of consciousness” they came into communion with the Neters or their “full spectrum of senses” — in which there are 360, 180 defined as feminine and 180 defined as masculine. To know that we were capable of possessing more than our 5 known senses; which connect us with the physical world — makes us, modern humans wonder how advanced the intelligence and capability of the ancients really was. Many indigenous traditions of the world have myths of when the “gods” came and bestowed great knowledge. Many believe that these “gods” were extraterrestrial beings like the “Anunnaki” who came to Earth and genetically altered indigenous people and other hominids, thus creating modern man. There is however more logical and down to earth explanations.
The notion of originating from the stars is accepted as truth in the Khemitian (Egyptian) indigenous oral tradition, which states that we are all star seeds. Not in the sense of being “aliens” but having roots from the stars themselves. This teaching surely mirrors what modern science has discovered — that we are in fact made up of star material. The “star stuff” our bodies are made up of consists of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and calcium that was produced by supernovae and red giant stars long ago.
American Physical Society website Physics Central explains,“Since stardust atoms are the heavier elements, the percentage of star mass in our body is much more impressive. Most of the hydrogen in our body floats around in the form of water. The human body is about 60% water and hydrogen only accounts for 11% of that water mass. Even though water consists of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen, hydrogen has much less mass. We can conclude that 93% of the mass in our body is stardust. Just think, long ago someone may have wished upon a star that you are made of.”
A perfect example of this “star seeding” process occurred when a massive star in the Pleiades cluster exploded as supernovae and sparked enormous bursts of growth on earth millions of years ago. This nearby supernovae had strongly influenced the diversity of ammonites (marine invertebrates) which were prominent in the ocean.
Astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan famously said, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff.”
This level of understanding can surely pave the way for new perspectives and paradigms. It is my personal belief that being more mindful and accepting of one another, we as “one people” can have better explanations and deeper understandings of this beautiful thing called life. This perchance can help us comprehend how we came to be the modern humans we are today and what we can do to not only refine ourselves but to create a better world for generations to come.
“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home. ” — Aboriginal Proverb
Written by EfraĆn Arroyo for Adept Initiates
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